Chapter 54 Thornton VS Reina
"Hahaha, this black-haired long-legged hahaha"

Liu Chuang was still laughing unscrupulously there.
"Liu Chuang, let me tell you, don't think I can't cure you here!"

Qilin was also angry at this time, and couldn't help but sternly said

"Treat me?! I've been a gangster for so many years and I'm afraid of you?! You don't call me a policeman now! You can only call a girl! Understand?!"

As soon as Liu Chuang finished speaking, Leina had already walked up to her, raised her hand to support Liu Chuang's chin, and fixed it on the wall

(ps: The following is the content of the original plot, you can watch the original film! Skip all)

When Ge Xiaolun pointed a pistol at Reina, Reina just turned around

"Bang ha ha ha, where is there a fight?! I, Thornton, are here too!"

I saw Thornton holding his half-round ax, falling from the sky and hitting the ground

A crocodile face is full of excitement, looking left and right at two groups of people, not knowing who to hit
Everyone was shocked when they saw a big crocodile falling from the sky, and couldn't help but take a step back

I don't understand why this crocodile suddenly appeared in the field. Wasn't it quite quiet just now?

It's just that none of them noticed

From the moment Lena single-handedly raised Liu Chuang, Thornton's overall pace of playing games accelerated.
Finally. After finishing a game, put down the phone and jumped out
But seeing Lena fully armed, the whole crocodile was stunned for a moment, and then the eyes lit up with excitement
"Haha, girl bun, it's you who want to fight, give me an axe!"

Thornton just jumped up, raised his ax frivolously, and slashed at Reina from a high altitude.
Reina's face was full of seriousness through the mask

The hand holding the horizontal knife is placed behind, and the shield is pressed against the front, ready for the next heavy blow, waiting for an opportunity to counterattack
Thornton's slash was fast, and when Thornton's ax slashed above Reyna's shield, Reyna knew she was wrong
A long gully stretched out more than 20 meters long, with a depth of about one meter.

It extends from where Lena originally stood to more than 20 meters away

I saw that Lena was still holding the shield at this time, but she was panting slightly.
After all, her genetic strength has been blocked by more than 70.00% now, and she has completely relied on her divine body to resist

But Thornton is very powerful, although he is only a generation of gods
However, its attack power is as strong as that of Liu Chuang, who was in the third generation of warriors.

And Liu Chuang's lethality fully surpassed the two levels of the others except Ge Xiaolun.

In other words, when Liu Chuang was at the peak of the second generation of super fighters

Under a sneak attack, its lethality has a certain chance of being able to kill a generation of gods

What's more, it's Liu Chuang from the third generation, who can surely compete with the gods of the first generation

It is like the battle between Liu Chuang and Thornton in the original plot, Thornton forced Liu Chuang to the point of three generations of super soldiers
Then just put a big one, and cut Thornton's ax in half, such a lethality is not ordinary

So now Lena is scolding in her heart, she never thought that the crocodile in front of her has such a high output
"Fuck, is this crocodile so scary? It seems that he is just a simple warm-up."

Although Lena suffered a bit from this blow, it really didn't have any effect, so she looked a little embarrassed
And Thornton stood on the spot after the beating, looking at Lena who was beaten out in front of him, feeling a little puzzled
Sigh, that's not right, I thanked the female bun just now, it was quite scary, why can't I help hitting? !

As Thornton thought about it, he scratched his head deep inside, and looked at Lena in front of him in bewilderment.

Seeing that Thornton made her suffer a dark loss, Lena dared to act cute in front of her, and her heart was full of anger
With one kick, he jumped out of the deep ditch, and with another kick,

Lena held up the horizontal knife and slashed towards Thorton quickly. It looked terrifying, but this knife only used less than three points of force.
After all, although Lena is a little stunned sometimes, she is not stupid, and she can see that this big crocodile is one of her future teammates
So, she was just taking revenge, who let the big crocodile in front of her just make her lose face, or in front of her team members?
Of course, although Lena used less than three points of strength, but with the strength of Leina's three generations of gods, at least tens of millions of tons
Millions of tons of power struck Thorton, and Thorton had to fight his best to continue with this blow.

Don't look at Thornton's blow just now, it just hit a small ditch that wasn't too long or too short, but it was also a force close to a million tons.

If it wasn't for more than 90.00% of the power of Nine and above, it would have been borne by Lena's divine body

At least with the Super Seminary as the center, an earthquake of magnitude [-] or above within two to three kilometers around cannot escape

Thorton watched Reina's attack coming towards him, holding a half-moon ax from bottom to top, colliding with Reina's attack fiercely.

Then I saw that a large human-shaped crocodile was quickly kicked out at a speed of at least two Mach

Thornton instantly bumped into the teaching building behind him, a new building material comparable to alloy
Ripped a hole like a piece of paper and kept crashing into the next wall
Quickly passed through the entire teaching building, leaving behind a hole with short legs and short arms, but a long mouth

It wasn't until Thornton crossed the first floor of the entire teaching building that he was suddenly stopped
It's not that I ran out of strength, but someone stopped me
I saw Aaron in Taoist robes, looking at Thornton who came out of the teaching building with a gun, his eyes were fixed

The surrounding space is full, and Thornton, who was flying fast just now, now moves like a turtle.

Aaron used his penetrating ability to speed up his own time, and the corresponding surrounding time slowed down

Taking a deep breath, he looked at Thornton who was about to stick to his body

Stretched out his hand, he set up a Tai Chi punch, and his right hand grabbed Thornton's back


Hearing a crisp sound, Aaron's forearm showed a strange twist and broke a bone
The severe pain made Aaron couldn't help frowning, and thought to himself, I'm careless!
But then, as if blessed to his heart, Aaron seriously flashed a little understanding

Extended his own consciousness, corrected and fixed the bones of his forearm
Another layer of spiritual consciousness is attached to the whole body, and the hand is changed from dragging to grasping

Grab Thornton's back, sweep his legs back, and draw a circle backwards with Thornton
Immediately, his right hand was released, and at the moment of release, his left hand clapped Thornton's shoulder

There is an octagonal shelf under the feet, which means invincible, firm and firm

With Aaron's palm, Thornton's external momentum successfully turned into his own centrifugal force

Taking its own center as the axis, it rotated round and round. This is what Aaron just realized
The most important thing in Taijiquan is the use of different strengths
This time, Aaron transformed the power that Lena brought out from the outside to Thorton himself.

It is both an attempt and a transformation

(End of this chapter)

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