Chapter 91 Homecoming
For Aaron's impression, Bruce Lee's impression is very deep. Although he and Aaron only met for less than a minute, Aaron's figure is deeply engraved in his mind.

Following Aaron's words back then, Ip Man began to teach Bruce Lee's inner boxing. In just five or six years, Bruce Lee developed his strength and then went abroad to study.
But with the change of time, in theory, Aaron's figure should be gradually blurred and finally forgotten, but after the internal boxing became more and more profound, Bruce Lee's influence on Aaron became more profound and more mountainous The meaning of Yang Zhi, to be honest, Bruce Lee was very dissatisfied, he didn't understand how that guy who looked younger than him was so powerful, he wanted to compete with Aaron

However, when he asked his master about Aaron's whereabouts many times, all he got was "don't know". Regarding the matter of the dragon, the answer I got this time is different

"He said that he is now in a place called Iceland. If you can't break through to the end of Gang Jin, go, and you may not be able to find him!"

Ye Wen gave Bruce Lee such a sentence, but it ignited the flames in Bruce Lee's heart. He had an intuition that the thing he had longed for for a long time was not too far away.

This retreat has lasted for two years. Bruce Lee has tried various methods, such as hard training, leisure, self-cultivation, farming and fishing. He has tried various living conditions, but his progress has been very slow for a long time. , In two years, he only took a small step forward in the strength, and there are still nine steps ahead, which is too slow

Bruce Lee asked Ip Man what was going on, and Ye Wen told him that if you want to improve in Gang Jin, you don't have to practice hard, let alone relax, but to find the touch in your heart, the kind of touch that touches people's hearts

In Gangjin, what you practice is more about your own heart. It is normal for Bruce Lee to progress slowly. He is still too young. Besides, compared to others, Bruce Lee's progress is already like flying. You must know that the further you go in Neijiaquan, the difficulty of practice increases geometrically.

When Bruce Lee learned of this situation, he left the customs and returned to Hong Kong after teaching his disciples for a period of time.
After returning to Hong Kong, the first thing Li Xialong did was not to go home to find her parents, but to go back to the martial arts school. Ye Wen, who looked like he was still in his thirties, proposed the idea of ​​fighting. Da Bai Fang kept refusing, but couldn't stand Bruce Lee's various entreaties, so he had no choice but to agree
The battle ended quickly. It can be said that Bruce Lee had no power to fight back, so he was subdued. Although Ip Man did not sell active attacks, the simple defense also made Bruce Lee complain. In the end, he could only trembling arms stopped
At this time, Ye Wen has already stepped into the realm of seeing the gods. He just sits in the yard basking in the sun every day, watching his disciples boxing, drinking tea and smoking, happy like a fairy, but until he steps into the realm of seeing the gods, Five or six years have passed, and Ip Man has not made any progress, and his lazy temper has flared up again.
His greatest joy now is to watch his wife Zhang Yongcheng boxing in front of him, and he will go up to guide and guide, what a joy!

Zhang Yongcheng's progress is not fast, and now seven years have passed, under the condition that Ye Wen often adjusted her body, she barely stepped into Huajin, and was able to independently control the cancer cells from spreading

Bruce Lee and Ip Man went home after the sparring. In the days to come, Bruce Lee lived back in his home in Hong Kong again. Now he is not married, so sometimes he will be friends with his old friends.

Time is still advancing, as if nothing has changed. However, Aaron's influence is also very large. Because of the huge military base Aaron left behind in Foshan, domestic weapons and facilities are basically at the forefront of the world. The first sequence of

Coupled with the fact that in the past twenty years, great scientists have returned to China one by one, the backbone of each country has grown and matured, and the country has its own first-generation nuclear weapons. China's "nuclear weapons" are roaming around the world, and no one or country dares not to take China's attitude seriously
In 1973, there was a young figure wearing a Taoist robe in the National Academy of Sciences. The author did some scientific research and teaching work

Two years ago, Aaron discussed with the country's leadership that he would come back to teach domestic scientists. As the political situation in the country gradually became clearer, although there were still a small number of people who feared Aaron like a tiger, most of them started Let's face up to Aaron's contribution to the country

Moreover, because of Aaron's return, some schemes and tricks that were intended to be carried out against Aaron's apprentices were declared shattered, and they no longer dared to make small moves, for fear of causing disaster

With Aaron entering the National Academy of Sciences, the country's scientific and technological strength began to soar. In 1990, Huaxia's scientific and technological strength leapt to the top in the world, and it firmly secured its position as the leader. At this time, Aaron was preparing to become a successful man Withdrew, left some information about future development, and a letter to the central boss, and disappeared again
In 1997, the year of the reunification on the bright side, there was another thing that happened at the same time, that is, the first international martial arts conference was going to be held, and the time was set in August, one month after Hong Kong's reunification. The 8st is also Army Day, and the location is also in Hong Kong

The news about the Martial Arts Conference is overwhelming. Due to the arrival of Aaron, color TVs have become popular in China. Families with a little savings can buy a set of color TVs. Since they are all affiliated to state-owned enterprises, these are real The cost of living things is extremely low, and it can only be regarded as the return of the cost. The profit of each TV does not even exceed 30 yuan (ps: based on the current currency value)
(ps: In fact, many livelihood projects in China are serving the people with money attached to them. Many so-called reports are just the brainless anger of greedy people after listening to rumors. But such a situation has ruined many There are few people who really serve the people! It also chills the hearts of many later generations!)
Due to the appearance of Aaron, most of the high-tech things in domestic business are built and sold by the state.

But now apart from these, the fastest growing thing is the content of entertainment. Many singers have been born, and the appearance of many movies has detonated the spiritual world of domestic people.
(End of this chapter)

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