Salted fish drifting in the sky: super seminary

Chapter 92 The World's No. 1 International Martial Arts Competition

Chapter 92 The World's No. [-] International Martial Arts Competition
Chapter 214

But whether it is singer information or movie information, they all give way to one piece of news——The World's No. [-] International Martial Arts Conference
From the week-long news broadcast of the domestic CCTV News Network, to the advertisement pushes of all other TV stations on TV, as long as the family in China has a source of news, they know about the World No. [-] International Martial Arts Conference.

All the masses, at the beginning, didn't feel much, and even sneered, thinking that in this era of hot weapons, a group of reckless fighters came to join in the fun

However, as a promotional video of Duan boxing contestants was released, everyone was a little dumbfounded, and everyone was shocked. It turned out that this is Huaxia Kung Fu, the real internal Kung Fu. In this era, there is no so-called CG. Animated human body modeling or something, so everyone watched the content in the short film, and they all had a sense of being refreshed.

Everyone was excited, and those with connections had already booked seats for the Martial Arts Conference, but they all returned in vain. The Martial Arts Conference only accepts invitations.

There are also quite a few people who signed up for the World No. [-] International Martial Arts Conference, from all over the world, such as Taekwondo from South Korea, Karate from Japan, boxing from Western countries, and Israeli martial arts.
(ps: I will write the content of the competition in a hurry, mainly because Ip Man's world has been dragging on for a long time, so I want to end it quickly)

When the competition started on August [-]st, Aaron gave a simple speech in Taichung and never appeared again. In this competition, the seeds that Aaron had planted all came to the scene one by one
The whole competition is broadcast live, and the people invited are all the leaders of the central leadership of each country, as well as some people from invisible families, and the relatives and friends of the participating boxers.
When Aaron appeared on the stage, the audience was silent, and everyone couldn't help looking at the figure on the stage, who seemed to be the center of the world.

The martial arts competition has begun. In the previous process, there are some ancient martial arts masters who do not understand internal boxing

Of course, from time to time, Aaron's apprentice or grandson will pop up, but there is no doubt that most of the promotions are internal boxers
Match after match is going on, Aaron carefully observes every match in Difan, where others can't press, and he does not hesitate to use his spiritual sense to observe all the contests in progress
On the first day, some flower shelves were eliminated
On the second day, some foreign boxers were all eliminated
On the third day, there were only Guwu masters left in the arena, as well as masters above Neijiaquan Huajin
On the fourth day, the competition system was changed, instead of multiple arenas at the same time, a single arena was set up, and the remaining people were basically internal boxers, and only one or two ancient martial arts masters were also seriously injured However, in a secret place, Aaron took out the medical bed, which is why there are still zero casualties so far.

On the fifth day, there were less than [-] people left on the stage, all of whom were Aaron's acquaintances, Ip Man, Bruce Lee, Liu Ren, Wan Laisheng, Cai Longyun, Wu Chilin, Huo Dongge, Jin Shanzhao, Tang Xu , Yang Ling, Feng Qian, the weakest people are all at the peak of Baodan, and there are still a few people who are still in the realm of Baodan, and their strength is weak, so I won’t mention it
Among them, Ye Wen, Bruce Lee, Liu Ren, Wan Laisheng, Cai Yunlong, and Huo Dongge have all reached the realm of seeing gods, and they all have their own way. In fact, in this martial arts conference, Aaron also saw a lot of Good seedlings are not inferior to the good seedlings of Ip Man, Bruce Lee, Wan Laisheng and others, but Aaron has been in this world for more than 60 years, and he wants to be number one, so he can't wait to continue waiting

The rest of the competition is still going on steadily. There is no doubt that the five masters of seeing the gods won the top five thrones. Just when they were about to continue the competition, Aaron appeared on the stage
There is enlightenment in Aaron's eyes. Over the past few days, he has been observing these people's martial arts competitions with his spiritual sense, and he has carefully sensed the details of these internal boxers with his scrutiny. After it was over, his heart skipped a beat, he thought about it, and had some vague guesses about the way ahead, but he still needs to confirm

So, he came directly to the stage, looked at the five people sitting in front of the stage, Ye Wen, and said
"Next, let's go together, the target is me!"

After finishing this sentence, the hairs on Aaron's entire body stood up. This was the body's early warning. The sixth sense told him that he was doing something very dangerous, very dangerous, and would even lose his life.

Ye Wen and the others were also stunned. They wanted to speak at first, but they, who are both in the realm of seeing gods, could feel Aaron's urgent mood from Aaron's clear eyes

Ye Wen could only get up a little tired, and couldn't help shaking his head a little bit. Zhang Yongcheng, who was watching, gave him a punch quietly, which made him laugh

Bruce Lee's whole body was blown up, his body was trembling slightly, and the light of excitement in his eyes could melt steel. It was not only his expectation for the upcoming fight with Aaron, but also his admiration for Aaron's domineering spirit.
Liu Ren just quietly looked at Aaron on the stage in front of him, sighing in his heart that he finally saw his master again
Wan Laisheng is still well-behaved, wearing a military uniform, his eyes are solemn and full of respect. For him, the internal boxing that Aaron taught him made him feel like a newborn
Cai Yunlong's face is very flat, with a formulaic smile, as if he is in the state of Maitreya Buddha. He is working in the officialdom now, and a smile on his face is indispensable. His emotions towards Aaron are very complicated, and one side is the kindness of his mentor , on the one hand, politicians must keep their distance

The last Huo Dongge stood up, with dignified and respectful eyes. After learning Neijiaquan, he is now definitely a master far surpassing Huo Yuanjia. His gratitude and respect to Aaron, being able to be with his deceased father Fearless

After the five people got up, they took a step forward one after another, and the martial artist had already appeared on the stage. Whether it was the senior leaders in the auditorium or the audience in front of the TV, they all exploded. This is the method of the gods!
The five people walk with different styles, just like five different landscapes, leisurely and self-cultivating, fierce and brave, upright and affectionate, fair and serious, and family and country feelings, this is the martial arts belonging to the five people

Looking at the five people coming up in front of him, Aaron also showed a smile, with an excited look in his eyes, and finally let go of his aura, a really natural feeling spread out, colliding with the aura of the five people

The moment the momentum collided, no matter whether it was the audience at the scene or the spectators in front of the TV, they couldn't help but feel terrified in their hearts. Everyone was shocked, and they only felt terror in their hearts!
(End of this chapter)

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