The male lead is cute and sweet

Chapter 54 Contract Girlfriend 54

Chapter 54 Contract Girlfriend 54
Ren Linshen was very polite with a smile on his face: "Don't be nervous, Assistant Liang. As long as you agree to cooperate with me, I will give you all the negatives after the matter is completed."

Liang Yaohua had a bad feeling in his heart at that time: "What if I don't agree?"

"Oh! Then I'm sorry, I will print out some more of these photos and give them to your relatives and friends, each with a copy, so that everyone can appreciate your unknown side together."

"You... are simply despicable and shameless!" Liang Yaohua was extremely angry and terrified.

Don't let everyone you know know that he once had such an unspeakable past!

Don't let his parents know that their son who has always been their pride has done something that shames them!
Don't let his wife know that her dear husband once moaned with enjoyment under a man!
No, absolutely can't let these damn photos ruin his current happiness!

So, he agreed.

Ren Linshen used those photos of him that he did not know how to secretly take, threatening him to destroy Ou Litang's products, and to design that Xu Lizhou could have a relationship with Han Yiqing.

What are those pictures?

After Jia Ying learned about it, she also understood why Liang Yaohua was threatened.

That turned out to be a photo of him exercising with his boyfriend in the past!

That's right, that's right, it's the kind of exercise that you understand in seconds.

It was only when Liang Yaohua went to university that he discovered that he would like women, but he could also like men!
It made him feel very novel and wanted to explore.

It's just that in real life, Liang Yaohua's image in the eyes of people around him is perfect. In order to maintain this image, he set his sights on social networks.

Through the Internet, Liang Yaohua successfully met a man who interested him. After meeting and getting along, they got along very well, and gradually developed into that kind of relationship.

As long as there is a holiday, the two will meet together to explore more.

This relationship lasted until after Liang Yaohua graduated and worked, he became busy, and the other party also found a new love, so they got together and parted.

It's just that Liang Yaohua never imagined that such a private matter would be known by an unrelated person who secretly took photos and threatened him with it.

It seemed that Ren Linshen had cast a long, long line a few years ago to catch him, a big fish.

Cross-gender love, in this era that has not been fully accepted, if it is exposed, all kinds of strange eyes and all kinds of terrible gossip will definitely be indispensable.

Not everyone has the courage to face other people's pointing.


For Liang Yaohua's choice and actions, Jiaying can express her understanding, but she doesn't think she should forgive.

Everyone must be responsible for their actions, there is no such thing as pitiful.

Isn't it pitiful that her two years of hard work have been destroyed?
Ou Litang fell down, the unemployed employees are not pitiful?
It's a cold day, isn't it pitiful for Xu Lizhou to soak his whole body in cold water in order to alleviate the effect of the medicine?
Pity is never a reason to be forgiven.

But on the other hand, Jiaying couldn't understand why Ren Linshen planned her and Xu Lizhou in such a way?Is there any hatred or resentment?

This is simply stealing all the roles of the vicious female supporting role, which is really incredible.

Fortunately, Xu Lizhou was very powerful. In the shortest time, the design made Ren Linshen show his flaws and learned his motives!
(End of this chapter)

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