The male lead is cute and sweet

Chapter 55 Contract Girlfriend 55

Chapter 55 Contract Girlfriend 55
After learning that everything Ren Linshen did was only for Han Yiqing, Jiaying sighed again.

In this world, there is only one love word that can make people happy!
Xu Lizhou took care of all the matters that should be dealt with, and Ren Linshen also suffered due consequences.

As for how things were handled, Jiaying didn't want to lose her concern.

Now that the wedding is getting closer and closer, this is the first wedding in her life. She hopes to make all the preparations and have an unforgettable wedding.

But when she thinks that getting married means completing the task, and everything here should be over, Jiaying feels reluctance and sadness.

Xu Lizhou was the first person she liked, the first person she had close contact with. In the next world, it might be difficult for her to like other male protagonists like this again.

Love is never allowed to be shared, a heart can only love one person.

【...Host, actually, I want to tell you one thing honestly. 】

Just when Jiaying was sad and depressed, the system suddenly made a sound.

"What's the matter?" Jiaying felt a little worried.

Judging by the tone of the system, it sounded as if something important had been kept from her.

[It's about the male protagonist Xu Lizhou, he is actually the same as you, he is transmigrated from the real world. 】The system paused, and then continued: 【Every next hero will be him, including his name and appearance will not change, so you don't have to worry about being separated from him at all. 】

Hearing this, Jiaying finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it was still him.

From now on, it will be him.

Jia Ying was even more looking forward to the upcoming wedding.

But at the same time, she was also curious: "Then his task is also to talk about sweet love like mine?"

System explanation: [Actually, he is not exactly the same as you!He doesn't have a mission, and he goes to the next world, and he won't bring any memories about the real world and the previous world.

For example, Xu Lizhou has no memory in reality now, and in the next world, he will not remember everything that happened between him and you here. 】

Jiaying: "..."

Doesn't this mean that every time a new world is opened, she has to start over with Xu Lizhou?
However, in general, this can be regarded as good news!

"By the way, Tong'er, what's his real name and what kind of person is he? Do I know him?"

[His real name is also Li Zhou, 24 years old, unmarried.As for his appearance and personality, you can refer to Xu Lizhou here. 】

"Oh, I don't know that, I haven't heard of it." Jia Ying shook her head, confirming that she had never known this person before.

【Unfortunately, he is already dead, and his bones have been buried, just half a year before our binding began to pass through. 】

Hearing this, Jia Ying widened her eyes in shock, and had more questions in her heart.

I always feel that there is some causal relationship that she doesn't know, which binds her and Li Zhou together!
Just when Jiaying was lost in thought, the system told her again: 【Host, I have to confess to you.Actually, my real name is Love Life Extension System, which was born for you and Li Zhou. 】

After hearing this, Jiaying immediately gave up her guess: "Tong'er, tell me everything right now!"

The system did not hesitate: [Okay, host! 】

The headquarters just told it that it could tell its host all this at the right time, but it didn't specify when.

Anyway, sooner or later, I have to say it, so it's better to say it earlier!

(End of this chapter)

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