The male lead is cute and sweet

Chapter 60 I Like You, Together 1

Chapter 60 Like You, Together 3
Therefore, even though Shangguan Siru knew that it was impossible for her to be with that man, she was not willing to reject her daughter.

She touched Keaiai's little head, and said with a smile, "Okay, as long as Xiaoying is obedient."

Jiaying nodded heavily: "Well, Mom, I will definitely be obedient!"

Actually, Jia Ying was very speechless in her heart.

Let her, a person who has lived to her seventies and eighties in the last small world, speak in the cute and lovely tone of a four-year-old girl, it really makes her feel ashamed to be deliberately acting cute.

[It's okay, host, in the process of changing roles, I will definitely feel a little uncomfortable at first.But I believe that soon, you will feel the benefits of being cute! 】The system thief opened his mouth, always remembering to jump out to show his presence.

But really soon, Jiaying felt that being a cute little girl is really very happy!

No matter where she goes, everyone will sincerely sigh when they see her: "(⊙o⊙) Wow, this little girl is so cute! I really like her so much, I really want to take her home and raise her!"

Seeing the kindness and liking on everyone's faces, Jia Ying realized that she had finally become the child she envied when she was a child, and finally no longer had to be an orphan with no relatives or friends!
Then, she wants to take this opportunity to find her lost childhood back!

As for the male lead of this world, Du Lizhou...

Jia Ying couldn't help but shudder when she thought of the previous world, where Xu Lizhou was like a hungry wolf who couldn't get enough to eat every day after marriage.

too frightening.

So this time, try to delay getting married as long as possible!
Just make sure that you won't be snatched away by other women.


It wanted to persuade something, but after thinking about it carefully, it decided to forget it.

Isn’t there a saying like this: Lucky people are healed by childhood all their lives; unlucky people are healed their childhoods all their lives.

So the system hopes that by taking this opportunity, it can heal Jiaying's childhood.


Returning home with an oil bottle, Shangguan Siru's situation is actually quite difficult.

Jia Ying went to her grandparents' house once, but she left after a short stay, because her grandparents thought Shangguan Siru would embarrass them by conceiving and having children casually, so they were not welcome.

Fortunately, Shangguan Siru also has a good girlfriend, Zhang Qinqin, who packed up one of the houses under his name for them to live in.

In order to let them live with peace of mind, Zhang Qinqin only charged a very small rent as a symbol, and even offered to help pick up the children when Shangguan Siru was busy with work.

It can be said that Shangguan Siru really feels lucky to have such a good girlfriend!


It has been a month since I returned to the capital.

According to the development of the original plot, Jia Ying secretly submitted Shangguan Siru's resume to the Shen Group, and was successfully hired.

So now, Shangguan Siru works in Shen Yeqi's company and serves as Shen Yeqi's secretary, and the mutual affection in the future is just around the corner.

And Jiaying needs to appear in Shen's company building at the right time, so many people who know Shen Yeqi can be surprised and find:

(⊙o⊙) Wow, this little girl is carved out of the same mold as the boss!Could it be that without all of them knowing, the boss married someone and had a baby?
And right now, Jiaying was carrying a small schoolbag with the name of the kindergarten on her back, and appeared at the door of the first floor of the very grand Shen Group Building.

The afternoon sun was just right, Jia Ying raised her head and looked up at the high-rise building shrouded in golden sunlight. After adjusting her mentality, she stepped in——

(End of this chapter)

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