The male lead is cute and sweet

Chapter 61 I Like You, Together 1

Chapter 61 Like You, Together 4
Jiaying walked directly to the front desk, raised her pink and tender face, and said very politely, "Hi sister, I'm here to find your boss Shen."

The young female staff at the front desk lowered their heads in surprise after hearing a soft and ruthless girl's voice——

Where is the little girl from?
She looks too much like their Boss Shen!
Ah, wait!Did she just say that she came to find Boss Shen?
Ahhh, could it be that she is Shen Boss...

No one knows what the female employee made up in her own brain in just a dozen seconds.

She smiled to hide the turmoil in her heart, leaned slightly, and asked in a very gentle voice: "Hello, kid, do you have an appointment?"

In a big company, there are no rules, and even the family members of the boss cannot come in and out at will and affect other people's work.

"Yes, sister." Jiaying then reported her name and appointment time.

The female employee looked down and smiled, "Okay, kid, wait a minute, I'll ask someone to take you to the boss's office!"


The top floor of the Shen Group building is the boss's exclusive office.

Shen Yeqi sat in front of the computer, his eyes staring at the computer screen, but he was lost in thought.

He recalled a month ago, at the airport after returning home, he seemed to hear the cry of the woman in his memory.

"... woo woo woo... no... ah... it hurts... woo woo..."

Back then, after that wanton night, Shen Yeqi only remembered her voice.

They were obviously strangers to each other, but because of an unexpected one-night love, they had intersected with each other.

Although it had been five years, Shen Yeqi still remembered the woman's crying, and it still disturbed his heart.

But that day at the airport, when he looked back, the crying stopped suddenly.

This made him very uncertain whether he really heard it, or it was just an auditory hallucination because of day-to-day thoughts.

It wasn't until there was a knock on the door that Shen Yeqi withdrew his thoughts and put on his usual stern and selfless face.

However, after seeing a kid with a schoolbag coming in, Shen Yeqi almost couldn't keep his expression.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked uncertainly, but with some certainty: "Little friend, you just... run away if you can't win?"

Jiaying nodded calmly and calmly, standing in front of the superior without showing a trace of timidity.

In the eyes of others, she looks like a little adult with the presence of an old god.

Jiaying also imitated his tone and asked, "Boss Shen, are you... SQ?"

This was the first time someone was so bold and dared to imitate him, but Shen Yeqi smiled instead of anger, thinking it was really interesting.

I really didn't expect that the person who is so fresh in the game and has such a good operation is really a little girl who is only four years old.

If he hadn't been able to see it with his own eyes today, Shen Yeqi would never have believed it.

Taking out the new high-end customized mobile phone that he had prepared, Shen Yeqi handed it to the little man in front of him, "Come on, kid, two out of three rounds."

"Okay, Boss Shen, if I win, don't say I'm a child bullying adults!" Jiaying took the phone, opened the game skillfully, and said calmly and innocently.

Hearing this, Shen Yeqi couldn't control his expression anymore, his long-term paralyzed face rarely showed a smile: "Just let the horse come over."

Shen Yeqi didn't take him lightly just because he was a child.

The two met each other through playing games, and today is considered a face-to-face meeting. Shen Yeqi has seen how good the opponent's operation and awareness are, and he is no worse than him.

 Ahhh, in fact, "run if you can't win" is my game name, it's to confuse the enemy, make people think that I'm a badass and lower their vigilance. (Although, I'm sure, it's pretty good, but I, absolutely, won't, say it_)
(End of this chapter)

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