Chapter 296

After driving for a long time, the car finally arrived at the Glory Guild.

Perhaps the Glory Guild was closer to the central area, so they came here.

At the gate of the guild, I saw many people who looked like fans.

They kept trying to squeeze in, but they couldn't get in without a pass.

So, as a last resort, members of the guild stood there to stop those crazy fans.

The fans were leaning against Qin Jiujiu and the others, so it was normal for them not to see the car behind them.

However, members of the Glory Guild confronted them face to face.

The car stopped suddenly, and it was still parked opposite them.

It's hard for them not to recognize, besides, there is the exclusive logo of the Reaper Guild on the car.

"Please let me out, please let me out." One of the members saw the car and exchanged glances with the other members.

So get in the crowd.

emmm, why did I choose this job?
Why choose such a miserable job?
Finally, after 2 minutes, he managed to squeeze out from the crowd.

He walked into the car where Qin Jiujiu and the others were, and knocked on the window.

The car window slid down with a bang, "Teammate Qin, please get out of the car! We have prepared the room for you."

Qin Jiujiu was not surprised.

She knew Ji Xifan's character, and before others came, he would definitely get ready early.

This is a way for him to attract people's hearts, and it is also his habit for many years.

In order to make it easier for them to carry their luggage in, he teamed up with other members to spread the fans on both sides.

Fans were initially puzzled by their actions.

Okay, why split them into two sides?

Could it be that someone wants to come out of it?
However, they didn't see anyone coming out of it at all!

But when they see those members, carrying boxes and things for others.

They will know.

It turned out that they were carrying things for others. For convenience, they were divided into two sides.

I'd like to see someone who can get official members of the Glory Guild to carry things for them.

Who is it.

However, Qin Jiujiu and Yi Shuihan were already prepared.

One was wearing sunglasses and a mask.

Since you can cover your face, but I have a mobile phone and the Internet!
Besides, the netizens these days are so powerful, I don't believe they can't recognize these people.

Others who can't think of this way.

He could only silently guess who they might be, and where the Glory Guild invited them.

This kind of thing is very common.

There are many masters in God's Domain, but those are all those who think they are masters.

A real master will not admit that he is a master so easily.

Because they know a truth.

There are people outside people, and there are days outside the sky.

It is very likely that Qin Jiujiu and the others are experts who have already retired.

In order to win the competition, the Glory Guild spared no effort to invite those masters to "come out".

"This little brother walks with a good temperament and style!"

Now I am more certain.

"That little brother looks pretty good, he looks very gentle, and why do I feel a sense of pampering."

Son, you are telling the truth.

"Come on, you really are throwing dog food all the time! Have you ever thought of how I feel as a single dog?!"

What is dog food? !

Is dog food delicious?
What does dog food taste like? ! (Don't you know it by yourself?)
"I'm not kidding you! I'm telling the truth!"

I'm not kidding you either!
Under the eyes of a pack of hungry wolves, Qin Jiujiu and Yi Shuihan slowly followed behind the members of the Glory Guild.

(End of this chapter)

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