Chapter 297

Qin Jiujiu knew that Ji Xifan was the trump card of the Glory Guild.

And it's a forward ace.

However, she has never been to the Glory Guild.

It's not that Ji Xi refused to come, on the contrary, Ji Xi had invited Qin Jiujiu.

Qin Jiujiu refused.

She is afraid of touching the scene.

Back then, she was still the chief guildmaster of the top ten guilds!
The former chief guild, but she led everyone up step by step.

Although it was only a short three months of climbing, she no longer wanted to think about that arduous journey.

"Teammate Qin, this is your room. You've been living here for the past few days." The member pointed to the neatly organized room and said politely.

Although they are opponents, they can't speak ill of each other just because they are opponents.

This would make it appear that members of their Glory Guild are very impolite.

When a guild member goes out, it represents the honor of the entire guild.

If you do something bad outside, not only will your reputation become bad, but the guild's reputation will also be damaged because of you.

Therefore, even if they are wrong opponents, they will not treat their opponents openly.

"Huh?" Yi Shuihan looked at the extra bed in the room, "Is this a double room?"

The member smiled: "Yes, our guild only has double rooms."

Yi Shuihan looked at the meticulously folded quilt on the bed, and said, "Apart from my family Jiu, is there anyone else?"

The member continued to smile: "Yes, this is the rule of our guild. No matter who it is, they must live in a double room, even the president is no exception."

When Yi Shuihan heard this, his eyes sank.

This is somewhat similar to their regulations!
"Then who is sleeping here?" Yi Shuihan pointed to the bed and asked.

"It's our president."

Right now, Yi Shuihan's face turned black!
Can his face turn black?

She slept with his family Jiu, but that Ji Xifan!

What worries him the most is that his family Jiu and Ji Xifan stay together alone!
"Why is it your president?!" Yi Shuihan suppressed the unhappiness in his heart.

"Our president is afraid that Teammate Qin won't be used to living here, so he specifically asked us to arrange for the president to live with Teammate Qin!"

When Yi Shuihan heard this, he wanted to curse!

How could a person like Ji Xifan be so kind!
He would never believe that Ji Xi had such kind intentions!

Could it be that Ji Xi saw something?

Or where is Jiu exposed?

However, this is impossible!

Jiu looked very different from before, and in order to be more cautious, he specially dressed up seriously today.

Adam's apple is still installed.

This adam's apple is anti-real, and Yi Shuihan specially asked someone to make it.

Wearing it on the throat, when speaking, the Adam's apple is no different from the real one.

Jiu didn't know how to wear earrings before, because she said that earrings were a very troublesome item for her.

Even if she was going to a banquet, she would never wear earrings.

However, this time, Qin Jiujiu had his ears pierced so that he could not see himself.

And wear diamond stud earrings.

The whole person looks fashionable.

When Yi Shuihan heard it, he knew that he wanted to live with Ji Xifan.

Immediately took Qin Jiujiu's hand, wanting to pull her out without saying a word.

"Nine, let's go! This is absolutely not allowed!"

Qin Jiujiu frowned and said, "We're leaving, what about our match?"

Yeah, what about their game?
If they do not participate in this activity, it is tantamount to giving up this competition.

They finally made it to the finals!

What's more, Jiu's vengeance was directly declared a failure before it started to avenge it.

(End of this chapter)

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