Holy Physician Bodhi

Chapter 105 University Professor

Chapter 105 University Professor
Chapter 120 University Professor

Because Zhang Dong didn't take care of Qinglian's mother's illness.Then he is competing with Shen Yuan for Qinglian

One thing is of course a failure.

Zhang Dong didn't take care of Qinglian's mother's illness.Then he naturally didn't dare to claim credit in front of Qinglian.Then he naturally has no confidence to go after Qinglian.

But this time, Shen Yuan showed his skills to the fullest.All of a sudden, Qinglian's mother's intractable heart disease was cured.That saved Qinglian's mother's life!

There is a Chinese saying that the kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring.Save a life and build a seven-level pagoda.Shen Yuan now rescued Qinglian's mother.Then she no longer dared to underestimate Shen Yuan.

Now Qinglian asks for her marriage with Shen Yuan.How could Qinglian's mother refuse!Even Shen Yuan saved her life.Then what else did she have to say.For the savior.What kind of request does that person have are not excessive.

Now Qinglian asks her mother to agree to her marriage with Shen Yuan.Of course she had nothing to say.Again.He saw that Shen Yuan was already the No. 1 Chinese medicine expert in the civilian hospital.Doesn't that match his own daughter?Why do I look down on Shen Yuan?

so.Qinglian's mother can no longer object to her daughter's marriage.Naturally, Qinglian could marry Shen Yuan.

Now both Shen Yuan and Qinglian have reached the age to get married.These two families jointly held a grand wedding ceremony for Shen Yuan and Qinglian.

Shen Yuan and Qinglian are now a couple.The two just got married, so it was naturally a honeymoon.This is the happiest time for the two of them.

The two just got married.Of course it will take a month off.

Shen Yuan asked for leave from the hospital.Of course the hospital is very happy.After all, Shen Yuan is a talent in their hospital.The dean listened to Shen Yuan's words, of course he immediately gave Shen Yuan honeymoon leave.

The same goes for Qinglian.She was also working in a real estate company.Tell the boss now that she's on her honeymoon.

But Qinglian's boss is not as easy to talk to as the dean.This is a guy who only cares about money.As soon as he heard that Qinglian was going on honeymoon.He is not happy.he thinks.This is the month when house prices go up.Now his company is short of manpower.

"Hey! Can you cancel this honeymoon! Now, look, our company is short of manpower. You are the backbone of our business here! Without you, then our company's house will not be easy to buy!"

The boss of this company is a middle-aged man in his 30s.His name is Li Bai.but.Not a poet.He is just a real estate business owner.Simply a rough person.Doesn't make any poetry at all.He also looks big and thick.It has nothing to do with poets at all.I really don't know how his father would give him such a name.

This Li Bai is just called Li Bai.That is because his father is a university teacher.This university teacher naturally wants his child to become a literati in the future.So he named his son Li Bai.In fact, Li Bai never wrote a poem since he was a child.The whole is a pair of people who are not interested in poetry.

Li Bai not only can't write poems, he is also a person who doesn't like to study.Although his father is a university teacher.But his academic performance was a mess.From elementary school to middle school.His academic performance has always been 'top' in the bottom of the list.

This is due to Li Bai's poor study.This is not less reprimanded by my father.Because his father is not an ordinary person.It was a college teacher.This is also a person with culture and identity!

Now my son, it's not just that he doesn't study well.That's bad for studying.Let him be a university teacher, that's a shame on his face!

For this reason, Li Bai's father taught his son many times to make him study hard.If he can be admitted to university in the future, he can become a cultural person with status just like his father.

Think about it, Li Bai's father named his son Li Bai, what kind of hope should he have in his heart!That is to want his son to become a man of culture and identity like him in the future.Then don't you have face as a university teacher?

But what kind of person is his son!I have taught him since childhood.It can be said that it took a lot of hard work.

After all, Li Bai's father is a university teacher.Then he just wanted his son to have a common language with him in the future.Also so that my relatives can look up to my son.

Li Bai's father is a university teacher.In fact, he is still a university professor!This is even more of an identity!
Of course, he was not an associate professor at the university at the beginning, that was when Li Bai was young.Li Bai's father is just an ordinary university lecturer at the university.

But this man is very clever.That's also very passionate about his career.Soon he became an excellent lecturer in the whole school.Just a few years.That is, when Li Bai was ten years old, Li Bai's father was in his 30s.But he is already an associate professor at the university.

A few more years passed like this, when Li Bai was fifteen or sixteen years old.Then Li Bai's father is already an official professor at the university.

You say that this university professor is a veritable cultural person.How could he wish that his son was not a cultural person!
Li Bai's father is only his son.Of course, I want my son to have a future.After all, university teachers cannot violate family planning.Of course there is only one child.

Fortunately, Li Bai's father's first child was a boy.Otherwise, he really has nothing to do!Although Li Bai's father is a university teacher.But he is also a very feudal person, and he also has patriarchal thoughts.After all, this kind of thinking is by no means only found in rural families.It's the same in cities.

Although Li Bai's father is a university professor.But he didn't want to have a daughter himself.If so.Then he has no way to have another boy.Fortunately, God helped him.A boy was born to him.

At that time, Li Bai's father was very happy.When Li Bai was just born, he was filling out the entry and exit certificate in the hospital.The doctor asked Li Bai's father what his son's name was.

This time, he was stumped as a university teacher.After all, he hasn't named his son yet!Because he doesn't know whether his wife will be a boy or a girl.So I didn't choose the name in advance.

Let me talk about Li Bai's mother again.This Li Bai's mother can be regarded as a cultural person.She is a Chinese teacher in a middle school.This middle school is also the middle school attached to the university where Li Bai's father works.

This Li Bai's family can be said to be the most authentic scholarly family.Normally, such a family should be able to give birth to a well-educated child no matter what!

But God sometimes makes fun of people.Just such a father is a university professor.My mother is a middle school teacher's family, so she gave birth to a child who didn't like studying.

Now let’s talk about when Li Bai was just born in the hospital.The doctor asked him what to name his son.This really stumped him.

As for this university teacher, he should have chosen his son's name long ago!But why is Li Bai's father stumped now!

The reason is this.Because Li Bai's father and his mother are both cultural people.These two people lived before Li Bai was born.That also thought of a few names.But I don't know if the child will be a boy or a girl after birth.Therefore, neither of them knew what to name the child.

Although it is a boy also took a few.The girl also took a few.But they both felt that the other's name was not good.so.The two always fail to reach one.So until the baby is born.This Li Bai's name was not chosen well.

In this way, Li Bai was born in the hospital.When the doctor asked what their son's name was, Li Bai's father and mother were at a loss.

"Hey! Come on! What's your son's name!" the doctor urged.

"This——Let me think about it for a while!" Li Bai's father embarrassedly delayed the time. "Hey! Teacher Li, I heard that you are a professor at the university! Why haven't you given your son a good name yet!"

The doctor knew Li Bai's father a little bit.After all, the university is next to this hospital.Then Li Bai's father also came to see a doctor in this hospital when he was sick.Gradually, the doctors in this hospital also learned a little about Li Bai's father's situation.

The doctors in this hospital knew that Li Bai's father was a university professor.Originally they wanted to.The professor of this university must have chosen his son's name long ago.Then it will come to this time and I still don't know what my son's name is!

"Why didn't you choose it! I---we also took some names. But they didn't feel very nice. So I haven't decided on it. I wanted to wait a few more days to think of some nice names! Who knows! , this guy came out ahead of time!"

Professor Li, that is also unexpected.After all, Li Bai was born ten days earlier than the expected date of delivery.originally.Professor Li and his wife still want to have these ten days.You can also slowly name your son or daughter.

But who would have thought that Li Bai was a 'quick boy'.There are still ten days before I should be in the world.But he couldn't wait.This will be born ten days earlier.

This time, it stumped Professor Li and his wife.After all, they are university professors, so it is impossible to give their son a random name.

The only reason this university professor couldn't name his son so quickly was because they were university professors.So I wanted to give my son a nice name.It is impossible to just take one casually.

That's how it is sometimes.The more you try to do one thing well, the worse it will be.The same goes for naming.

(End of this chapter)

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