Holy Physician Bodhi

Chapter 106 Li Bai

Chapter 106 Li Bai
Chapter 120 Two Li Bai

This time, Professor Li and his wife were stumped.After all, they are university professors, so it is impossible to give their son a random name.Gotta have a big name no.

It is because they are university professors.So I wanted to give my son a nice name.It is impossible to just take one casually.

That's how it is sometimes.The more you try to do one thing well, the worse it will be.The same goes for naming.

Now Professor Li is thinking about it.Can't think of a nice name either.Now the doctor suddenly asked him to give his son a name.Fortunately, the birth certificate should be registered.

But now, Professor Li didn't know what to name him.

"Hey! Wait a minute, let me discuss it with my wife!" Professor Li went back to the ward to ask his wife while talking.

"Hey! Wife! The hospital needs to fill in the birth certificate for their son. Our son's name is not yet available! Come up with a name!" Professor Li asked his wife again now.

"Why are you asking me now? Haven't you already named your son many times?" That's Professor Li's wife.Now when I hear my husband's words, I feel a little angry.

"Yes, but I think those names are too vulgar! Can you choose a better one?" Professor Li asked his wife again.After all, his wife is also a middle school language teacher.I also want my wife to think about whether there is a good name.

"Hey! You are a university professor. I'm just a middle school teacher. Why do you ask me? You can name your child yourself. I don't care. You can use whatever name you want!" Professor Li's wife But some don't want to.After all, she has just given birth to a child, so her body is very weak!I didn't want to talk too much.Professor Li still asked her like this.She didn't want to talk to Professor Li anymore.

"Hey! Can you name one? Although I am a university professor, I teach science. This matter of naming. It seems to be a matter for liberal arts students!" Then Professor Li actually said that he taught science. of.So the wife should choose the name.

"Okay, since you insist on my name, let's call it Li Bai!" Professor Li's wife was a little impatient.So just say a name.This is because she was bored at home these days, so she took a look at her own language.Suddenly turned to an ancient poem.That is Li Bai's "will enter the wine".

Now Professor Li has to let her name it.She can call her Li Bai casually!

"It's Li Bai. That Li, that Bai!" When Professor Li heard his wife's words, he was a little confused.Although he also knows that the famous poet in history is called Li Bai.But he still didn't think about it.

"That Li. Of course it's your own Li. Can someone else's name be Li! Bai? It's Li Bai's Bai. What do you think? Didn't you say that the name you used before was very vulgar. Now it's elegant enough Let's go!" Professor Li's wife.So he told his husband that he would name their son Li Bai.I think it's a more elegant name.

"This -- how can this be called Li Bai! Our son will become a great poet in the future!" Professor Li still felt that the name was a bit strange.Although elegant enough.But after all, no one would name a famous historical figure.

"Hey! Did you come up with a good name? Hurry up. We still have something to do! Why are you so unfavorable! Look, how long we have been waiting for you." Now Professor Li is still discussing his son with his wife. name.But the doctor came to urge them again.

"Okay, that's all right. You can register our son as Li Bai!" Then Professor Li was urging him to see another doctor.He is embarrassed.This had no choice but to tell the doctor that their son was called Li Bai.

"What, you named your son Li Bai. Could it be the Li Bai of the famous poet Li Bai in history?" The doctor heard Professor Li say that he named his son Li Bai.People immediately thought of Li Bai, a famous poet in history.

"That's right, it's the name of Li Bai, a famous poet in history. What a good name! How resounding!" Professor Li really thinks the name is good now.That's a great name.This own son has become a celebrity since he was born.

"Haha! You are worthy of being a university professor! This name is also very special! Your son has become famous all over the world since he was born!" The doctor laughed loudly after hearing Professor Li's words.

"Haha! That's right. I want our son to be famous all over the world! Will he be successful in the future!" After hearing what the doctor said, Professor Li was really confident.He said that his son will definitely be able to make great achievements in the future.

"Haha! OK! I'll register you right away. Your son is the first 'little poet' delivered in our hospital!" The young male doctor registered the famous name 'Li Bai' in Li Bai's account while laughing. The sale certificate is on.

"Okay! Here you are, you have to take it. This is your child's birth certificate. If your child will be successful in the future, if your child will go abroad or something. It will be useful!" Li Bai's birth certificate was given to Professor Li.

"Haha! Wife, you are not bad! This name is very good. I like it more and more now." Professor Li was somewhat repelled by this name.But I heard jokes from other doctors.He really thought it was a good name.Does it indicate that his son will be promising in the future?

"Huh! Look at you. You think your son is called Li Bai. Then he will definitely become 'Li Bai' in the future!" Professor Li's wife.Look at my husband, that proud look.She also deliberately said some sarcastic remarks.

"Hey! Don't say that! A person's success starts with his name." Professor Li looked at his wife.It seems that there is something to say.

"Why do you know that!" Professor Li's wife looked at her husband with a smile.

"Ah! That's right. Do you know why so many stars have to change their names after entering the entertainment circle? That is to let the name bring them good luck!

I heard that in the entertainment industry.That's it.There are many stars who are not famous at first.But later changed the name.Then it became more and more famous.They've all become big stars. "Professor Li uses a celebrity as a metaphor for his son.

"Oh! You want your son to become a big star in the future!" Professor Li's wife joked with her husband again.

"No! I don't want my son to be a big star. I want my son to be a university professor like me in the future. It's better to be a professor of liberal arts. You see his name is Li Bai. Then let Li Bai be Let's teach it once!"

Professor Li doesn't want his son to become a big star.Because their family doesn't have talent in this area.The odds of becoming a big star are slim.

But if you want to become a university professor, the possibility is still relatively high.After all, in their family, one is a university professor and the other is a middle school teacher.This is the most authentic scholarly family!Of course, I want my son to be a cultural person and an intellectual in the future.

"Okay, then you can train your son to be a university professor too! By then, our family will have two university professors, which is not bad!" Professor Li's wife said.After listening to her husband, she did not object.After all, my husband is a university professor, so I usually want my son to be like my father in the future.As long as this dad is a promising dad.Then they all want their son to go his own way.

that's it.Then Li Bai became famous as soon as he was born.But he became the most famous kid in the neighborhood where Professor Li lived.

Now there are some relatives and some neighbors, and they will talk about it when they meet Professor Li.Do you want your son to become a great poet in the future?

Professor Li just smiled and said: "Of course, I just want my son to become a great poet who will be famous all over the world in the future. You say that in our era, there is a shortage of poets. Should there be a great poet too! "

"Haha! Then you are a university professor, and you named your son Li Bai. This is really great. Your son will definitely become a great poet in the future."

Of course others said it nicely.After all, is it a joke?

but.This made Professor Li listen.That's nice too.I feel that I have made a name for my son.That son will definitely live up to his expectations in the future.

But the result of the matter was not what he imagined.Also known as.That was completely beyond his expectation.

When that Li Bai started elementary school, that made him a little disappointed.Because this child is so different from Li Bai.Li Bai, who was a child prodigy since he was a child, can already compose poetry.But Professor Li's Li Bai is a little sorry for his name.

This Li Bai.Since I was in elementary school, I didn't like studying.He just loves to play with little friends.Don't want to study at all.Also make trouble in class.There is nothing the teacher can do.

This is within a few years of Li Bai's primary school years.That never passed the exam.This is for Professor Li and his wife.That's a shame.

You say that if this Li Bai is a child of an ordinary family, then forget it.But he happened to be the son of a university professor.The son of this professor is the last one in every exam.This has become a joke.

Now the neighbors are talking about it.Everyone finds it strange.Why is the son of a university professor so stupid?Why can't I study well!You said you didn't study well.Forget it.But this kid.That's not only not learning.It also affects the learning of others.What a bad boy through and through!

(End of this chapter)

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