Chapter 107
Chapter 120 Three

If this Li Bai is a child of an ordinary family, then forget it.But he is the son of a university professor.Isn't it a joke that the son of a professor is the last one in every exam.

Now the neighbors are talking about it.Everyone finds it strange.Why is the son of a university professor so stupid?Why can't I study well!You said you didn't study well.Forget it.But this child, it's not just that he doesn't study.It also affects the learning of other people's children.He's just a bad boy through and through.

Li Bai has been a mess in his academic performance since he was a child.Now, Professor Li lost face.After all, he is a university professor, so how could he have such an unprogressive son!

But some of these natural things cannot be changed.Li Bai just doesn't like to study.Then no one can do anything about him.

Now when some relatives or neighbors see Professor Li, they will joke with him: "Hey! Professor Li! How about it, your Li Bai, is he going to become a great poet in the future! He recently How is your study going?"

When Professor Li heard that, of course he felt very uncomfortable.After all, he also knew what people said, and it was just to stimulate him.Just kidding him.

At this time, Professor Li would call his son to his side.Then there was a face-to-face reprimand: "Hey! I said son! Can you study hard! Can you not take the bottom one test. Can we take the bottom two test once!"

That Professor Li often educates his son earnestly.Because he really didn't want to hear the jokes from his neighbors.

"Haha! Dad! Can you blame me? I want to study! But I just can't learn well! I'm not good at studying! No matter how hard I try, it's useless!" Li Pai didn't care.After all, he is the only child, so he was spoiled and spoiled since he was a child.I was never afraid of my father and mother.

"You, you, do you know that your name is Li Bai? You know, I have given you such a name, I have placed so much hope on it! But you, you just learn like this. Can you be worthy of your name!" Then Professor Li was very angry, so he used Li Bai's name again.

"Hey! You can't blame me! You gave me this name yourself. Have you got my consent!" Li Bai was still arguing with his father in front of him!
"You --- you kid, what are you talking about? You were not born. Can we get your consent! You kid, are you trying to piss off your father on purpose?" Professor Li was furious after hearing what his son said. one place.

"This---or else, just change my name. Don't let me be called Li Bai. Just let me be called Li Kui. Then Li Wei must be uneducated. He can't read anymore. You can change my name." It’s better to change your name to Li Di. Then others won’t laugh at you anymore!” Li Bai gave his father another suggestion.

"Haha! You——you really know how to think about it! How old are you now? This name can be changed if you want to change it. Besides. If you want to change your fucking name to Li Di, then Wouldn't it still make others laugh at me?

Oh, I am the son of a university professor, I don't want to be called Li Bai.This actually changed his name to Li Di.Then don't others want to laugh at your father even more! "

After hearing what his son said, Professor Li was very angry and funny.I feel like my son is talking nonsense!

"Well, then I can't help it. I'm like this anyway. I'm not a piece of study material! If you want to expect me to be admitted to a university and then become a university professor, then your idea may be difficult to realize It's gone!"

Then Li Bai heard what his father said, and he directly said that he was not a material for studying.Even if you want to work hard, you can't study well.

"Son, why don't you try harder? Think about it for your mother and father! We are all cultural people! Why don't you give me some face!" Professor Li seemed a little helpless.After all, this own son doesn't study hard like this.Then there was nothing he could do.

"No, I get a headache when I read a book. How can I study so hard!" Li Bai also looked helpless. "What are you talking about, kid? Are you my son?" Professor Li became even more angry when he heard Li Bai's words.

When Professor Li said this, he really didn't just say it casually.Ever since he let his neighbors make fun of him, he often thought about a seemingly unreasonable question.He just doubted whether this Li Bai was his son.I am a dignified university professor, so how could I give birth to such a son who is not motivated!

"Hey! I'm your own, then you have to ask yourself. Anyway, I don't know. I still wonder if you are my real parents! How could a person like me be born in What about a family like yours!"

This Li Bai, who was spoiled and spoiled since he was a child, never needs to go through his brain when speaking in front of his father.That's what I wanted to say.

"You -- you are not my own. Get out of here!" Professor Li became even angrier when he heard his son's words.Immediately scolded his son.

"Hmph! Get out, get out, I'll go find my 'father'!" Then Li Bai saw that his father was angry.He also deliberately said these angry words.Professor Li was so angry that his face was livid.This is what I want to beat my son.

But when Li Bai saw that his father wanted to beat him up, he immediately slammed the door and left.As for Professor Li, there is only one person who can be angry.

Just then, Professor Li's wife came back from school.He just saw his son come out of his house angrily.Then he stopped his son and asked, "Hey! Son, what's the matter? Why are you so angry?"

Professor Li's wife didn't speak when her son saw her.I knew my son was angry.Just stop him and ask a question.

"Hmph! Ask your husband. He made me angry!" Li Bai choked on his mother.This bypassed my mother again, and then went out to play without looking back.

"Hey! What are you talking about, kid! You are still my son!" Professor Li's wife was very angry.Facing his son's back, he scolded.

"Whether it's your son or not, you know for yourself!" Li Bai didn't turn his head, but just said something to his mother.This is out of the community to the street.

Now Professor Li's wife is just so angry.But there is no other way.After all, the son has gone out.She couldn't keep up with him either.

Now Professor Li's wife is back home.She saw her husband sitting on the sofa with a livid face.I knew it must be that my son had quarreled with her husband again.

"Hey! What's going on with you two, why are you arguing again!" Professor Li's wife looked at her husband and asked. "Hmph, there's a quarrel. This is your son. I really doubt if he is my seed! Why is he not like me at all! I have been the first in the exam since I was a child. But This is Li Bai. He is also the first in the exam. It’s just that he is the last one. Do you think he is my son!”

This Professor Li is also very angry.This speaks out.That was also ugly.

"Hmph! What are you talking about, what do you mean, are you doubting me!" Professor Li's wife was furious when she heard her husband's words.I thought, if my son is disobedient, forget it.But this husband can't doubt his innocence!
"You don't want me to doubt you, so why do you say you gave birth to such a 'bad boy'! He looks like me!" Professor Li asked his wife angrily again.

"Why not. Li Bai's eyes, don't they look very much like your eyes! This is not your son, so whose son could it be!" Professor Li's wife looked at her husband now, and she was also very angry.Isn't this obviously doubting her innocence!

Because Professor Li's eyes are typical triangular eyes, so is Li Bai' this point.Not to mention Professor Li himself, even the neighbors, there is no doubt that Li Bai is not Professor Li's son, after all, they look alike.

'Looks like me.But what about his academic performance!Why is it not like me at all! 'Professor Li looked at his wife angrily.

"Is this grade as good as mine? When I was in school, I was always at the bottom of the exam! He is my son, so he is also at the bottom of the exam!" Professor Li's wife listened to what her husband said. Said that his son did not study well.That's all because of her.

Actually, this is Professor Li's wife.That was also angry.Because when Professor Li's wife was in school, she often took the first place in the exam.Otherwise, it would be impossible for her to be admitted to university and become a middle school teacher.

"Okay! I won't tell you anymore. I'm going to school. Let me tell you, don't spoil your son anymore. Li Bai is like this now. It's all the result of your pampering since childhood!" Professor Li took responsibility again Pushed on his wife.

"What are you talking about. It's 'the father's fault if the son doesn't teach'. Li Bai didn't study well. That's all your fault. Even a university professor like you can't teach him well. What good is a middle school teacher like me!" Professor Li's wife is not willing to admit that her son's today is caused by her alone.

"All right, it's my fault, then leave your son alone in the future. See how I teach him a good lesson in the future!" Professor Li didn't want to argue with his wife anymore.He opened the door while speaking, and then left the house.

Now let's talk about Li Bai wandering on the street right now.He is already in the third year of high school.But this academic performance is still 'top'.There is no hope for this entrance exam.

Li Bai never wanted to go to any university.He just wants to hang out until he graduates from high school.After all, my father is a university professor.I can't get a primary school graduate myself!

(End of this chapter)

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