Holy Physician Bodhi

Chapter 111 Magical Medicine

Chapter 111 Magical Medicine
Chapter 130 Miraculous Medicine
The guy who saved someone just now.Seeing that Shen Yuan could spit out lotus flowers.He was both surprised and somewhat disbelieving.I feel that Shen Yuan is playing tricks and doing magic tricks!
"Hey! Shen Yuan, what are you doing! How can you spit out lotus flowers!" Qinglian has never seen Shen Yuan have such an ability.As soon as he saw a white lotus flower flying out of Shen Yuan's mouth.That was a shock too.I was also very surprised in my heart.

"Don't disturb me, I'm saving people!" Shen Yuan used his consciousness while speaking, directing the white lotus.This is dancing around the girl who fell into the water.

None of the onlookers had seen this kind of scene of saving lives.Now everyone saw a white gas lotus flower spit out from Shen Yuan's mouth.That gas lotus.Now it is flying up and down around the girl who fell into the water.Fly around.That scene was really strange.

"Hey! What kind of trick is this kid playing! How can he spit out lotus flowers! This is the most powerful medical skill in Chinese medicine legends. This is just a legend! In reality, there will be such a master! "

That young male doctor saw a lotus flower spit out from Shen Yuan's mouth.It was a surprise.Because he has never seen such a situation.Although he is a western medicine.But his father is a Chinese medicine doctor.

This family can be said to be a traditional Chinese medicine family.But why didn't this kid study Chinese medicine?Ordinarily, this family of Chinese medicine, of course, is going to learn Chinese medicine.Then why not learn Chinese medicine.But study Western medicine!
This is also strange.this lad.He hated Chinese medicine since he was a child.Although his father wanted him to study Chinese medicine.But he just didn't want to.It's not up to dad here.When this guy grows up.Then go to medical school.That's what I learned from professional Western medicine.It has nothing to do with Chinese medicine at all.

His dad couldn't figure it out.I think my family has studied Chinese medicine for several lifetimes.But now there is an unfilial son who just doesn't study Chinese medicine.I want to study Western medicine.

The boy's father asked his son why he had to study Western medicine.He said to his father.This traditional Chinese medicine has already declined.Learning Chinese medicine will not be fruitful.Western medicine still has a future.

Although his father was very angry when he heard it.But he can't help it.After all, what my son said is true. In this modern society, Western medicine is still the mainstay.Chinese medicine just plays some supporting role.Chinese medicine has been marginalized.This is an indisputable fact.

Although when this young man grew up, he went to medical university.Learned Western medicine.But after all, he grew up in a family of Chinese medicine, so he still has some understanding of Chinese medicine.At least he heard his dad say it.To a certain degree of Chinese medicine study, that is, to the point of proficiency, you can spit out lotus flowers and bring the dead back to life.

but.The young man felt that these were just some legends in Chinese medicine.It's just that someone is deliberately 'painting' Chinese medicine.These are not credible at all, and they must not be scientific.

But he never thought that these legends in Chinese medicine would actually be seen in reality today.This surprised the young man.

"Damn! This kid is so young, how can he have such miraculous abilities! How does he think these Chinese medicine skills!" The young doctor Xi was very surprised.After all, he never thought that Shen Yuan was only in his twenties.How could it be possible to already possess the magic skill of 'spitting out lotus flowers' in the legend of Chinese medicine!
Now Shen Yuan is quietly treating the girl who fell into the water.Everyone held their breath.They were all shocked by Shen Yuan's miraculous medical skills.After all, no one has seen such miraculous medical skills.This is a plot that can only be seen in online novels!

The mother of the girl who fell into the water just saw that Shen Yuan inserted nine gold needles into her daughter's body, but her daughter was still motionless.This also made her feel that Shen Yuan was just putting on a show to comfort her.His own daughter has passed away.How could she wake up again!
but.Now suddenly saw a white lotus flower spit out from Shen Yuan's mouth.This also surprised her very much.Because this aunt is not a doctor.But she is still more interested in Chinese medicine.I usually like to read some professional books in this area.

She has also seen descriptions in ancient Chinese medicine books that masters of Chinese medicine can breathe out lotus flowers to bring patients back to life.But she didn't believe it at the time.I feel that these are just some unscientific descriptions in the legends of Chinese medicine.It's just the result of the myth of Chinese medicine.

But when she really saw this legendary miraculous medical skill now, it shocked her very much.I thought, could my daughter really be able to be saved by this young man?Isn't he a god-man?
Now the mother of the girl who fell into the water, and the Western doctor, both of them have heard of this supreme medical skill in traditional Chinese medicine, which is the 'breathing lotus flower at the mouth to bring the dead back to life'.They are both surprised now.I feel that Shen Yuan is really amazing.He is really a legendary master of traditional Chinese medicine!

But the young man who saved people now doesn't believe it.Although he saw Shen Yuan suddenly spit out a white lotus flower from his mouth.This surprised him too.but.He didn't think Shen Yuan was a master of traditional Chinese medicine.He felt that Shen Yuan was still playing tricks!Could it be that he is playing some tricks!He just wanted to make people think that he had some miraculous medical skills.

Now these people are all amazed to see Shen Yuan using that white lotus to treat the girl who fell into the water!But their mood is different.The young man who saved the life felt that Shen Yuan was playing tricks, it was impossible for him to wake up the girl who fell into the water.

But Doctor Naxi, and the mother of the girl who fell into the water.But they were all surprised.The two of them now felt that Shen Yuan might have saved the girl who fell into the water.After all, both of them knew that what Shen Yuan was doing now was the most miraculous art of bringing the dead back to life by spitting out a lotus flower in the legend.

Besides, Qinglian is also watching Shen Yuan strangely now, using the art of spitting out lotus flowers to heal the girl.Although she was also surprised.After all, she had never seen Shen Yuan have such miraculous medical skills.But she didn't know how powerful the technique of spitting out lotus flowers was.Can this save the girl who fell into the water?Who knows!

Now these onlookers were watching while thinking about their own views on Shen Yuan.I just want to know if Shen Yuan can save this girl!

Shen Yuan doesn't care what others think now.He just uses his own consciousness, which directs the white lotus flower.This led to the treatment of the beautiful girl who fell into the water.

This ups and downs in the eyes of outsiders.It's just a weird show.After all, this strange phenomenon is difficult for ordinary people to see.

In fact, there is a profound reason of Chinese medicine for Shen Yuan to do so.This 'breathing lotus back to life' technique.That is to say, when masters of Chinese medicine are learning Chinese medicine, when their medical skills reach a certain level, some strange changes will occur in their bodies.

That is to say, some miraculous 'vital energy' will be produced in their bodies.These 'vital energy'.That is, the righteousness in nature.These righteous auras can overcome evil auras.

This miraculous "righteousness" is produced in the body of a master of Chinese medicine.He can condense this 'righteousness' into a white gas lotus shape.Then spit it out of your mouth.This is the technique of 'spitting out lotus flowers'.

The lotus flower spit out from Shen Yuan's mouth now is a kind of upright condensate.This kind of magical substance will fight against the evil energy of the human body when it encounters it.And it will slowly drive out the evil energy in the human body.

Now Shen Yuan is using the lotus air that he exhaled from his mouth.That is a very powerful righteousness.It is used to deal with the evil energy in the body of the girl who fell into the water.

If a person dies temporarily.That is to say, the righteousness in his body has been completely taken over by the evilness.

But if it is just dead, that is to say, within an hour of the evil spirit occupying it.That expert in Chinese medicine can still bring him back to life.Of course, Western medicine has no solution.Because Western medicine only treats the surface but not the root cause.

Western medicine only looks at problems from the surface.When Dr. Tasi can't see a person's life characteristics from the appearance of a human body, they will ruthlessly sentence this person to death.I never think that this person should be able to be revived just because he just died.

But Chinese medicine is not like this.Chinese medicine does not judge a person's life or death from appearances.That is to judge from the good and evil qi existing in a person's body.When a person's body is completely occupied by evil spirits, it can of course be said that he has died.

on top of that.Chinese medicine and Western medicine should be said to be the same.For the judgment of a person's death, whether it is Western medicine or Chinese medicine, it can be accurately determined.

But after this identification.How to do.Chinese medicine and Western medicine are different.After Western medicine determines that a person has died.Then the next thing is to deal with the funeral.That means sending the person to the morgue.Then it's frozen.This kind of behavior is very 'ruthless' in the eyes of ordinary people.But Western medicine is like this.They always assume that this person cannot be resurrected from the dead.There is no need for further treatment.

But Chinese medicine is not so ruthless.Although Chinese medicine is in the same line as Western medicine in judging whether a person is dead.But among the miraculous medical techniques of Chinese medicine, there is this technique of bringing the dead back to life.Chinese medicine never says that people cannot be resurrected after death.Chinese medicine believes that people can still be revived within a certain period of time after death.

(End of this chapter)

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