Holy Physician Bodhi

Chapter 112 A Special Way

Chapter 112 A Special Way

Chapter 130 A Special Way
But Chinese medicine is not so ruthless.Chinese medicine also has a way of determining death, although it is the same as Western medicine in determining whether a person is dead.But among the miraculous medical techniques of Chinese medicine, there is this technique of bringing the dead back to life.Chinese medicine never says that people cannot be resurrected after death.Chinese medicine believes that people can still be revived within a certain period of time after death.

Now Shen Yuan felt that the girl who fell into the water had just drowned for half an hour.This could have saved her life.

Shen Yuan is now using the technique of spitting out lotus flowers.Let's give this girl the art of expelling evil spirits from her body.Everyone was extremely surprised to see a white lotus flower suddenly appearing in Shen Yuan's mouth.

Now among these people, everyone has their own ideas.Some people think that Shen Yuan has a particularly miraculous medical skill.Of course, there are also some people who think that Shen Yuan's medical skills are nothing more than mystification.It's a trick.

Shen Yuan didn't care what others said.That's just using my own consciousness, which directs that white lotus, and now it is flying up and down around the body of the girl who fell into the water.

Now, the Western doctor and the mother of the girl who fell into the water both know a little about Chinese medicine.Now that they saw that Shen Yuan could spit out the lotus flower technique, the two of them felt that Shen Yuan might really be able to save the girl who fell into the water.

Of course, the mother of the girl who fell into the water was very happy.She opened her eyes and looked at her daughter.Imagine when a miracle happens.

But Doctor Naxi, he was a little complicated.On the one hand, he also wanted the girl to be resurrected.After all, it was a very beautiful girl, and of course he wanted her to come back to life.

But at the same time he didn't want the girl to come back to life.After all, he didn't save the girl just now.If now the girl is alive again.That doesn't mean that his medical skills are too bad.That's not only embarrassing.Then even the whole western medicine is shamed!

Shen Yuan didn't care what others thought, he just treated the girl seriously.

In this way, Shen Yuan used the white gas lotus to exorcise the girl's evil energy.Then he sucked that white lotus into his mouth again.After that, Shen Yuan closed his eyes and meditated.Never mind anything else.

"The mother of the girl who fell into the water. I originally thought that Shen Yuan would be able to save her daughter with such miraculous medical skills. But now her daughter still hasn't woken up. It seems that all Shen Yuan's efforts were in vain. .

Now it's not just the girl who fell into the water, the mother is a little anxious.Even the onlookers were very anxious. They also thought that this time, the girl who fell into the water could come back to life.After all, none of them had seen such miraculous medical skills before!

But now everyone saw that Shen Yuan treated the girl again.The girl is not responding.There is no sign of being alive at all.

Now these onlookers were pointing their fingers at Shen Yuan one after another, and then said some ugly words.Some people say that Shen Yuan is a liar.The technique of spitting out lotus flowers just now was just a trick to deceive people.

But Shen Yuan is just closing his eyes and resting his mind now.Don't pay attention to other people's eyes.It was as if he knew everything in his mind.It's just that others don't understand him.

"Hey! Little brother. Why are you still closing your eyes and meditating! How is my daughter? Can you save my daughter?" The mother of the girl who fell into the water looked at Shen Yuan now, and she was a little anxious. Ask Shen Yuan if he can save his daughter.

"Auntie! Don't worry, wait for a while, I will definitely be able to save your daughter! I need to rest now!" Shen Yuan still needs to close his eyes and rest for a while.After all, he had already consumed a lot of 'vigor' just now.Now he had to restore his vitality, so that he could continue to treat the girl who fell into the water.

"Okay! Then you can take a break!" The mother of the girl who fell into the water, now that she heard Shen Yuan's words, she couldn't blame Shen Yuan.After all, he had been treating his daughter for half a day just now.There are already some beads of sweat on his forehead.Let people take a break now!

"Hey! Young man, can you save this girl? If you can't, then admit it. Stop pretending. I don't know you yet. You're just wasting time!" Young Doctor Xi, he felt that Shen Yuan was just wasting his time, it was impossible for him to save this girl.

"Of course I can. I just have to wait a little longer! Just be patient!" Shen Yuan saw that Doctor Xi was talking again, so he scolded him.Ask him to stop talking.

"Okay! I'll give you another 5 minutes. If you don't bring this girl back to life, then I will take this girl away." Dr. Naxi is getting impatient now.He just said to give Shen Yuan another 5 minutes.

"Okay! It's a deal! In just 5 minutes, I will definitely be able to save this girl!" Shen Yuan looked at the doctor Xi very confidently now.This promises to take only 5 minutes.

"Okay! I'm looking at my watch now. It's only 5 minutes. If you don't revive this girl within 5 minutes, then I will take this girl away. At the same time, I will call the police. Arrest you charlatan, do you understand!"

Dr. Naxi saw that Shen Yuan was still saying that he could save the girl.He gave Shen Yuan an ultimatum.

"Okay, you don't need to talk. After 5 minutes. If the girl hasn't woken up, then I will go to the police station by myself. You don't need to call the police at all. What do you think!" Shen Yuan now looked at the woman who fell into the water. The girl's expression now speaks to Dr. Naxi very confidently.

"Okay! It's a deal, I'm counting down now." Dr. Naxi took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and started to check the time.

"Hey! Shen Yuan, are you really good? Don't let the police take you away. The two of us are going on our honeymoon! If you go to the police station, then our honeymoon won't be over." Qing Lian heard what Dr. Xi said.If Shen Yuan didn't revive the girl who fell into the water within 5 minutes.People are going to call the police.She was very worried.After all, Qinglian also saw the girl who fell into the water now, so she didn't react at all.There are signs of being alive!

"Don't worry! Wife, it's fine. I will save this girl. You just wait to witness the miracle!" Shen Yuan saw that Qinglian still didn't believe him.He promised his wife.It made Qinglian feel a little calmer.

Now Dr. Naxi is counting down with his mobile phone.Shen Yuan has already rested now.Now he took a closer look at the girl who fell into the water.He saw that the girl's face was not so pale anymore.It seems to have some blood.Of course these colors are very light.If you don't look carefully, you can't see it.

Others can't see it.But of course Shen Yuan could see it.After all, does he have a third eye?He just needs to open his third eye.It was obvious that the girl was already showing signs of life.

"Auntie! I can wake up your daughter now. It's just that my way of waking up is a bit special. I don't know if you mind, Auntie!" Shen Yuan now looked at the mother of the girl who fell into the water seriously.It seems that there is something to say, which has not been finished yet.

"Okay! As long as you can wake me up, you can do it in any way! Do it quickly!" That aunt now just wants Shen Yuan to wake up her daughter quickly, and he doesn't care what kind of method Shen Yuan uses. way too!

How important it is to save lives!What kind of method is it?No matter what method is used, as long as it can save my daughter.

Now, of course that aunt doesn't care about anything.He just wanted his daughter to be alive.That is the greatest happiness in her life.

"Okay! Then I can talk. Auntie, listen carefully. I might wake your daughter up with a kiss! Do you care?" Shen Yuan looked at the aunt now, and he said seriously that he would His daughter woke up with a kiss!

"This---little brother, how could you use such a method! Is there no other way!" Although the mother of the girl who fell into the water said that she didn't care about any method.But when Shen Yuan said that, she still hesitated for a while, after all, this way was somewhat beyond her expectation.

"Hey! Auntie, I have my reasons for doing this. It's just that I don't need to explain too much to you. This is our medical secret. Even if I tell you, you may not understand. Anyway, I Just to tell you that you want your daughter to come back to life. Then I will use the method of 'kissing her to wake up'."

Now Shen Yuan just said that he must use this method, as for why it is so, it is his medical secret, he is not willing to tell others.

"Okay! It's up to you. As long as you can wake up my daughter, then you can 'kiss' her! Anyway, she doesn't know anything now. Just kiss her!" That aunt, after listening to Shen Yuan's words, She must have been surprised.After all, he didn't expect Shen Yuan to speak in such a way.This is really too unexpected.

But since he is a doctor, there is a reason for him.It's important to save lives!No matter what method is used, as long as it can save the daughter, that is the best.Why do you still care about this now!

The mother of the girl who fell into the water only hesitated for a moment, and then readily agreed.

"Okay! Then I'll start kissing her." Shen Yuan leaned over to kiss the girl while talking now!But at this moment, someone suddenly stopped her loudly: "Wait a minute, how can you kiss my girlfriend in public!"

Shen Yuan was about to kiss the girl.But at this time, someone pushed the crowd away.came before him.He also prevented him from waking up the girl who fell into the water.

(End of this chapter)

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