Chapter 106 Acceptance
"Hey Feifei, are you still doing this business?" Jing Ju asked Tezuka to hit her as she spoke.Only then did Zhang Feifei come back to her senses, and coughed with a blushing face.He said with a gentleness that he didn't usually have: "Excuse me, what kind of flowers do you need?" Yao Wei scratched his head as if he hadn't decided what he came to buy.Seeing the love in Zhang Feifei's eyes, Jing Yu stepped back and looked at them tactfully. ?? Yao Wei was discussing with Zhang Feifei in a low voice, not to mention that the two of them really matched each other standing together.It would be nice if the two of them had eyes for each other.Her impression of Yao Wei, his uncle, was pretty good. ??It took a long time before they decided on what they wanted. Zheng Feifei personally helped him bandage it up. Jingzhu walked to Yao Wei's side and teased him mischievously, saying: "This is for a girl, don't you like it?" There is a girl, let me take a look." Yao Wei is also considered a very handsome man, although he is Yao Yi's cousin, but he has no resemblance at all.He is different from Yao Yi in handsomeness, Yao Yi is cold, and this Yao Wei is the opposite of him, he is a warm man. ?? Yao Wei smiled slightly, revealing a row of white and neat teeth. "My brother married all the best women in the world, and I won't marry anyone better than my sister-in-law in the future." Jing Yu looked at him coquettishly, "As long as your mouth can say, this I don’t know how many beauties my mouth has coaxed.” Although many people have said this about him, he blushed when Jing Yu said that, he scratched his head, took the bouquet of perfume lilies in Zhang Feifei’s hand and said : "I took it back and gave it to my mother. I haven't been home for so long. As for the girl you said, I really don't have one. Why don't you introduce me, sister-in-law."?? It's not easy, there is a ready-made one in front of you.She pulled Zhang Feifei over and said, "This is my good sister, why don't I introduce it to you." Zhang Feifei was taken aback for a moment, then lowered her head shyly. "What nonsense are you talking about?" This Jingyu's words were too straightforward, and it was the first time they met and she said such words.Although she did have a crush on the handsome guy in front of her, it would be embarrassing to say so. ?? "I just finished laughing. Sister-in-law, I will go back first in a hurry. I will treat you to dinner another day." Yao Wei said goodbye to her with a smile, without resting his eyes on Zhang Feifei, as if she was in the mood from the beginning to the end. Zhang Feifei felt a little frustrated as if she was a dispensable clerk. ??Watching Yao Wei leave, Jing Yu looked back at Zhang Feifei who was in a daze, and teased with a slight smile: "Hey, is this so-and-so person having sex?"?? Zhang Feifei blushed, "I don't." She said Turned around and walked inside. ??Jing Yu smiled, "Really? Why do I just look at someone."?? Zhang Feifei blushed even more, and said coquettishly dissatisfied: "Say it again, say it again, I'm really angry if you say it again. "?? Jing Ju is enough, stretched out his hand to hook her arm to please her: "Okay, you don't. I'm hungry, you can accompany me to dinner."?? Knowing that this is Jing Ju gave her a step Now, she followed suit. "Since you're hungry, go eat quickly. If you talk about such things again, I won't talk to you." She pouted as she spoke in a cute way, and they were still so intimate, as if they were returning home Same as when they were in school. ?? Soon they came to a nearby restaurant for dinner. They had called Chen Xier before they came, so when they arrived, Chen Xier was already sitting there. ?? "Xi'er, why did you come so early? Did you order anything?" Zhang Feifei asked countless questions as soon as she sat down. ?? "Ordered, they are all your favorite dishes." Chen Xier and Zhang Feifei have completely different personalities.

(End of this chapter)

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