Chapter 107 Meeting Zeng Xuan

If Zhang Feifei is that kind of aggressive and carefree, then Chen Xier is that kind of enchanting little woman.Her figure is originally hot and hot, which is the type that many men like. There are indeed many men by her side these years, but she has never really loved one. Maybe it is because there is someone in her heart who has never given up. ??Jing Yu played with the coffee cup in her hand and did not speak, she looked very comfortable and did not speak.Just as they were talking, Zhang Feifei suddenly yelled, "Isn't that your husband Yao Yi?"?? She just came back to her senses, followed Zhang Feifei's line of sight, and she saw Yao Yi coming in Yes, there is an enchanting woman standing beside him.Although I know that Yao Yi is a playful kind, but when I really see him with other women, I still feel very uncomfortable. ?? "Isn't that woman Zeng Xuan? Why are they together?" Chen Xier frowned and looked at her worriedly. ?? Although Jingyu felt a little uncomfortable, in order not to worry her two good friends, she still tried her best to make herself look the most natural. "It's not unusual for him to be with any woman. He can be with whoever he likes. Anyway, I don't think it matters." Chen Xi'er looked at Yao Yi slightly in a daze, feeling strange in his heart In the heart dizzy.And Zhang Feifei looked at Jingyu with concern, touching her hand seemed to give her a little strength. "Yu, don't be sad, it's not worth it at all for such a man." "I'm fine, don't worry." She said with a smile. ?? A few days ago, she was really moved. When he suddenly said that, she thought about it and gave up the idea of ​​divorce.But seeing such a side today, she thought maybe she was really too easy to soften her heart. ?? Just when she felt very uncomfortable, Yao Yi came to her side at some point, Zhang Feifei and Chen Xier were sitting opposite her, she was sitting on the other side, Yao Yi sat beside her , holding her in her big arms, and said softly: "Why did you come out today, and you didn't answer the call?" Jing Yu was already a little angry in her heart, so she slapped his hand away politely. "Don't be like this, there are many people watching here." Besides, there was a woman looking at them with jealous eyes. Such hot eyes made her feel very uncomfortable. "What are you afraid of? We are husband and wife who would laugh at us. You haven't answered me why you didn't answer my call?" "I didn't hear the phone when I put it in the bag." She said flatly. ?? "Then we have met now, and we can have dinner together." He was not angry and continued to hug her.But his eyes fell on Zeng Xuan beside him, and when he saw the obvious jealousy and affection on her face, he frowned displeasedly. "Miss Zeng, please go back. I just want to have dinner with my Mrs. Yao today." He originally asked Qi Rao to have dinner with him, but after he came, Qi Rao left because of other matters.The woman Zeng Xuan stopped him at the door of his company.Anyway, he didn't give up on eating with his brothers, but unexpectedly, he met Lin Jingyu here.He saw her as soon as he entered the door, and when he saw her hurt look, his heart also felt slightly uncomfortable.For some reason, he just didn't want to see her feel a little bit uncomfortable. ?? Zhang Feifei bumped into Chen Xier who was in a daze, and made an excuse and said: "Well, Xier, didn't we ask a hair stylist to do my hair before? I remember it seems to be today. If you don't go, it will be difficult to make an appointment. It was only then that Chen Xier came back to his senses, and stammered: "Yes. Yes. Let's go first, Xiaoyu, you two take your time." Then she pulled Zhang Feifei away quickly. ?? When Jing Yu was about to say something, she only saw their backs leaving.I asked some hairstylist to do my hair, which is obviously an excuse to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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