Chapter 111 Sullen (3)

I don't know what he dreamed about, and his brows were tightly frowned into a Sichuan character, which seemed to be very painful.Jing Yu didn't think much about reaching out to smooth his forehead.He suddenly opened his eyes, grabbed her little hand and kissed her.When she wanted to pull her hand back, she couldn't pull it back, and finally she was too lazy to struggle.

"Lin Jingyu, don't try to escape."

Although his voice was very low, she still heard him clearly.The Wang Qingquan in my heart made ripples as if hit by a stone.

"Yao Yi, do you know what you're doing?" She didn't know if he could hear her, but she still couldn't help asking.

"Of course I know, I like you. I don't know if I will like you in the future, but I just know that if I like you, I like you very much." He said every word sonorously.

If he had said such things before, Jing Yu would naturally feel very happy, but now he has not been so excited for a long time.It's okay if she is greedy, what she wants is his love, his complete love.

Before she could answer, he suddenly crawled over and pressed her on top of him. "And you, do you like me too?"

Jing Yu put her hands on his chest to prevent him from approaching, and the strong smell of alcohol once again made her feel like she wanted to vomit. "Yao Yi, you come down first." But he hugged her waist with both hands as if he didn't hear it.

"Are you despising me? Didn't you love me very much before, why don't you love me now?"

His hand slowly moved to her neck, and he tightly grabbed her neck. "You are mine, even if you die, you are mine. You can never leave me."

Facing his sudden madness, Jingyu just treated him quietly, even if she was drunk, she knew that he would not really strangle her to death. "Yao Yi, can you stop being so authoritarian? I'm not your item. I don't want it if you want it or not. I also have my own thoughts. What I want to do is out of your control."

"Your thoughts, your thoughts can only be mine." He shouted loudly.

She rolled her eyes involuntarily, when did Yao Yi become so domineering.She has never seen Yao Yi like this before, could it be that she really likes it this time, if it is true, her thoughts will not be in vain.

"Come on, let's go to sleep."

She didn't want to argue with him on such a topic early in the morning, not to mention that it was even more meaningless for him to talk about it when he was drunk. ?He was relentless, hugged her and continued: "Lin Jingyu, I will not let you go, you can't be with others..."

She smiled helplessly. He has always paid great attention to his own image. How much alcohol did he drink today to become so gaffe.

"Whatever you say, come down first, I'm so uncomfortable..."

She pushed him hard and rolled over, landing firmly beside her.She breathed a sigh of relief, only to find that he beside him was snoring slightly.She smiled, covered him with the quilt, hugged his body and fell asleep after a while.

It was two o'clock in the afternoon when Yao Yi woke up again.There was no trace of Jing Ju in the room for a long time, and the faint smell of her body still remained in the air.

After washing up, he walked towards the living room.Before reaching the living room, I could smell the aroma of food, and walking down, I could see the busy figure in the kitchen.A strange feeling suddenly flashed in my heart, it seemed to be the strange smell of home.There are quite a few women he hangs around in these years, but none of them give him the feeling of wanting to rely on like Lin Jingyu.He thought, maybe he was really in love, or maybe he wanted this kind of warmth, so no matter what he would not let her leave.

When Zhao Ma came out of the kitchen, she saw Yao Yi in a daze, stepped forward and said respectfully, "Master, are you up?" Yao Yi nodded, "Is Lin Jingju cooking in there?"

"That's right, Young Mistress said that she drove us all out today because she wanted to cook a meal for Young Master. She has been busy in the kitchen for a long time, so it's probably about the same." Zhao Mama said.

(End of this chapter)

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