Chapter 112 Sullen (4)

Yao Yi's expression was still calm, and Zhao's mother couldn't see clearly what he was thinking.Yao Yi kept staring at Zhao Ma, and Zhao Ma felt uncomfortable when he looked at her, but she didn't say a word.

After more than ten seconds, he asked, "Mom Zhao, do you have a daughter?"

Mother Zhao was taken aback for a moment before she realized why Yao Yi asked this suddenly. "Yes, I have a son and a daughter. The daughter is 13 years old today, and the son is ten."

It wasn't the answer he wanted, Yao Yi lowered his head in disappointment.Even though he knew it must be such an answer, he still couldn't help but really wanted to know the answer, even if there was only a glimmer of hope, he didn't want to give up.But think about it, Zhao Ma is a very ordinary person, how could she appear in Baiyun Villa, let alone her age is not suitable.

Zhao Ma looked at him suspiciously, pursed her lips and backed away without saying anything.

When Jing Yu was serving the dishes, she saw Yao Yi in a daze on the sofa.Unconsciously seeing him clutching his stomach, he knew it was a stomach problem. "The meal is ready, hurry up and eat, or the stomachache will get worse later."

Said that she sat down to eat first, Yao Yi came over and sat opposite her.Because of the stomachache, I lost my appetite after a few bites.

Jingyu originally planned to ignore him to the end, but when she saw his uncomfortable appearance, she couldn't help but want to care about him.Within a few minutes, she set off to look for stomach medicine, poured a glass of boiling water and walked to him, saying, "Since you know that your stomach is uncomfortable, remember not to drink too much next time, the only one who suffers is yourself."

After she finished speaking, she turned her head and walked to where she was just now.Although Yao Yi didn't show anything on his face, he was really touched in his heart.He picked up the stomach medicine without hesitation and obediently ate it.

Their atmosphere had just calmed down when an unexpected visitor suddenly appeared in the living room. That person was none other than Shen Shanshan who was negotiating with Jingyu yesterday.

As soon as she came in, she acted as if she didn't see Jing Yu there, she walked directly to Yao Yi's side, and sat on his lap as before.

Jing Yu frowned and said angrily, "He's not feeling right now, and it's not the time to show off his affection." No matter what she said, Shen Shanshan wouldn't dare to sit on it.

Yao Yi felt very happy for no reason, so could it be that she was jealous, or that she was caring about his body, no matter what it was, he felt very happy in his heart.

"When is it time for Lin Jingyu to talk to you? Didn't you see that Yi and I have something to say? If I were you, I would avoid it a little bit." Shen Shanshan said because she concluded that she had no place in Yao Yi's heart. With such words, she came here today to embarrass Jingyu, and let her see what reality is.

"If I'm not qualified, I'm afraid you are even less qualified. After all, I am also the mistress of the house. Besides, if I'm not here to watch, isn't it your chance to seduce him?" Don't think she is She's a bully, and if she doesn't fight or grab, it doesn't mean she will be manipulated by others.They were the ones who were sorry for her, so why should they look at her with a high profile.

Yao Yi's originally ashen face finally showed a trace, and now he really found that the woman in front of him has become a little different.In the past, when he brought a woman home, she would show that she cared a lot, but she didn't dare to resist.Now she will refute for herself, he likes her very much.

"What are you talking about? A woman like you is not suitable to be Yi's wife. If I were you, I would definitely leave by myself. Don't be shameless. After you leave, there are still many men who will accept you. You?" Shen Shanshan shouted angrily.

The faces of Yao Yi and Jing Yu couldn't help turning dark, and they looked at her with cold eyes, wishing they could drag someone out.

"Have you said enough? Even if you don't have the qualifications, Yao Yi has the final say. You don't even have the right to intervene in our family affairs."

(End of this chapter)

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