Chapter 153 Love Crazy (8)

Ren Xun looked towards the direction of the second floor, which was just passed by quietly, he smiled maliciously, "Could it be that my sister-in-law misses you."

"She's upstairs, won't she come down to see me if I really think about it?" Yao Yi pouted and said.Thinking in my heart that it was Jingyu who was missing me, I was still a little excited, and a smile appeared on my face unconsciously.

After getting to know Yao Yi, I have never seen him smile like this. This is the first time I saw Yao Yi smile so weirdly.But Yao Yi really looks good when he smiles like this, at least he looks much better than when he always had a black face. He will definitely be hooked. "Brother, if you smile a few more times, sister-in-law probably won't leave you in the future."

"Are you going to die if you don't speak?" He cast a warning look, and Ren Xun shut his mouth immediately in fright, and obediently said something serious again. "Okay, I've finished what I have to say. We need to be more careful about our transaction this time. If necessary, I will go there in person."

"No, I'll go when the time comes. I don't think they can do anything to me."

"It's up to you, but there is still some time before the transaction. The contract in your hand must be put away. I hope it's best not to even know about it."

"You don't believe her?" Yao Yi raised his eyebrows.

"No, it's better for fewer people to know about these things, and she is not suitable to participate in the affairs between us, we are too dark."

Yao Yi pursed his lips, thinking about it.Lin Jingyu is different from those women before him. Those women in the past are usually women who have experienced the wind and dust, and they have a lot of experience in society. Basically, they have encountered many things.Jingyu is different. She is a young lady who doesn't leave home. Although she has a lot of knowledge, she has never really experienced many things, so he actually doesn't want her to come into contact with these things.He is not a very good person, let alone a very good man. It is actually his blessing to meet such a beautiful woman as her, so let him keep his superficial appearance. Not knowing what happened in the past is very important to her. a good thing.

After bidding farewell to Ren Xun, Yao Yi returned to his room.At this time, Jing Yu just came out of the bathroom, and the water drops on her hair should have just come out of the shower.Because the exposed skin is still light pink after taking a shower, it makes people want to take a bite.Yao Yi looked at her with a hint of pampering. "Why don't you blow dry your hair first, you'll catch a cold."

Jing Yu was wiping her hair, startled by the sudden noise, staring at Yao Yi with wide eyes, she didn't even know the towel fell on the ground.He went over to pick up the towel, dragged her to the bed, pressed her to sit down and wiped the water droplets from her hair with the towel.This is not the first time Yao Yi has done such a thing to her, but she is still not used to it.His face was getting hotter and hotter, like boiled shrimp.

After wiping her, he turned around and went to the bathroom to take out the hair dryer, plugged it in and gently dried her hair.Jing Yu is like a child, swinging her feet up and down like a child. "Lin Jingyu, I'm really curious about what kind of person you were before, were you as cold as you looked on the surface, or as... childish as you are now?"

In the past, he would also think that a woman like Jingyu must be very boring, but now he realizes that her coolness is only pretending to be seen by others, and the real her will have such a lively side.It's the same with the little girl in my impression. He can catch Jing'er at a glance probably because of her innocent appearance.He always felt that what he went through would be very dirty, so when he saw Jinger appearing, he always had an urge to protect.He didn't want her innocence to be polluted, and in the end he fell in love with that little girl directly.

He will never get that her again in his life, but fortunately God gave him Lin Jingyu.He has seen all the things she did for him these days, even though he didn't say anything, he still feels very moved in his heart.

****Recommendation ticket breaks [-] plus updates, dears, are you ready?

(End of this chapter)

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