Chapter 154 Love Crazy (9)

In fact, sometimes he really wants to ask her, why did she treat him like this, obviously he has been treating her like that all the time, obviously he has been with other people outside, but she didn't say anything, she just kept being patient like this, and still Everything is for his own sake, but in fact, he really hates such a woman who doesn't cherish herself at all.But now he has no way to hate, he is also a person of flesh and blood, there is no way to hate a person who loves him so much.

She pursed her lips and suddenly didn't know how to answer him. Her nature should be more lively, because she often reads and learns different things, so she should give people the impression of being a lady.The cold and noble appearance on the surface is actually just an illusion.She has been working hard to be a qualified wife of a famous family, and she is trying to do her best in the hope that one day she will be qualified to stand by Yao Yi's side.But forget your original nature.In fact, she is the same as the other sisters.

"Me, that's what you see. Why don't you tell me about yourself, did you like a girl when you were in school?" In fact, the latter sentence is her real purpose. Today Yao Wei said that he went to school. I've been with a girl since then, and it seems that the two of them fell out because of that woman.In fact, she really wanted to ask him if he had really forgotten the vow they had made between them?

"Yes." He probably started when he met her when he was in school. At that time, he was only 17 years old, and he had just returned to Yao's house.Everyone knew that his identity repulsed him, but she didn't have any scheming at that time. She simply saw him as a person, and this was the first time he felt a warm feeling.To him, she was like a ray of sunshine in winter.She is the warmest sunshine in his life.In fact, he also felt very tired after ten years of searching. There were so many people in the venue back then, but he couldn't start.The only clue is the Xia family, but the Xia family has been keeping a low profile for more than ten years.Mr. Xia accompanied Mrs. Xia to travel around the mountains and rivers, and he couldn't catch their whereabouts at all.And the Xia family is taken care of by their adopted son Xia Lei, who is so cold and unapproachable.

After ten years of waiting, he was really tired, and now that he heard that she was married, he should give up too. After all, those words were just childhood words, and they were all children's words. It seems that he is the only one who is serious. .She may have forgotten it long ago, otherwise she would not have married someone else.

If he can't get the best, he can only settle down, the stronger the person on the surface, the more he needs to be cherished.Regardless of Yao Yi's appearance, in fact, he also longs to be loved in his heart.I long for someone who will treat him wholeheartedly, think about him, and worry about him.In fact, he can also see that Jingyu really likes him, simply likes him, not because of his money.From now on, he also wants to cherish this woman and he is really tired of being with those women outside for so long.

"Well, then, if you don't tell me what kind of person she is, why are you not together?"

"Because she left, I can't find it anymore." It should be like this, "Maybe she left because I didn't do well enough."

Jingyu still curled her lips, and still had a beautiful smile, but her eyes covered by bangs were always sad. In fact, she wanted to cry when she heard this.It turned out that later on he really fell in love with someone else, although she was thinking of this in her heart, but when she heard her say this, she still felt very painful in her heart, as if someone had stabbed her heart a few times Same.

Helping her dry her hair, Yao Yi also sat beside her, took her hand and said softly: "I said this because I didn't want to hide anything from you, don't husbands and wives say they should trust each other?" ?” This was her first marriage and also the first time he wanted to treat a woman, he didn’t understand, so he searched many things on the Internet, or went to ask Yu Bin and Yi Xuran for advice.

(End of this chapter)

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