Chapter 155 Love Crazy (10)

"Well, I understand." She lowered her head as much as possible so that he could not see her sadness.

Yao Yi also became sour, and slowly let go of her hand, saying: "This is good, you are tired too, go to rest early."

After saying this, he left without looking back, and she tilted her head to look at his back.She knew he was going to be angry, but she didn't know why he was angry.Don't all men want a gentle and considerate wife?Is she wrong?She really didn't want to become a jealous woman herself.

Yao Yi also felt very annoyed, he obviously wanted to be happy that he had such a virtuous and considerate wife.But he was really not happy at all, in fact, he wanted her to be jealous occasionally.This way at least he can feel that she really likes him, but after doing this, he feels like he is worrying about gains and losses, and he also feels uncomfortable in his heart.

The two of them didn't say a word that night, and there was no dream.Yao Yi still hugged from behind as usual, but the two of them didn't talk all the time, enjoying each other's breathing quietly.

Jingyu got up early as usual to help Mama Zhao make breakfast together.After finishing breakfast, Yao Yi also came down, Jing Yu was just playing with her job bowl, Yao Yi came over and hugged her from behind.

"Didn't I tell you not to get up so early, why do you still get up so early?"

"I'm used to it, not to mention I have nothing to do."

Yao Yi hooked his lips into a smile, pulled a chair and sat down.Eating the breakfast made by Jingyu in my mouth, I feel warm in my heart.In the past few days, he went home on time, and even rushed back for lunch at noon.He also rejected all the entertainment at night, the purpose is to go home early to see this woman and eat her.Only in this way can he feel the atmosphere of home. He has never felt the atmosphere of home. This feeling is like taking poison and making him addicted.

"My wife is the best. No wonder Ah Ran asked him to come out to eat before. No matter how delicious things are, they are not as delicious as those made by my wife."

Jingyu blushed, and felt a little warm in her heart, and said coquettishly: "You are the best at saying, these are all made by Zhao Ma, and I am just making trouble by the side."

"You are humble. I can't eat the food made by you and your wife. It is my blessing to marry a wife like you."

Jing Yu smiled and didn't answer, she sat beside him and picked up the newspaper and read it.She never liked to watch these things, but recently she had to watch them because of Yao Yi's affairs.The news happened to be about her at the banquet. The reporters all said that Yao Yi is a good man who loves his wife. The reason why people say this is because some women with malicious intentions are spreading rumors.

"It looks like these rumors will be broken in a few days."

Yao Yi continued to eat and didn't care about what Jing Yu said at all, even without her help he could get these things done, it was just a matter of time.And these things are under his control, so he is not nervous at all.These are just superficial, he has already seen these little tricks of Yu Zhengyi.

"Jing'er, don't worry about these things. Let me, a man, do the outside things."

"I didn't do anything, and you are my husband, how could I not worry about it. Anyway, I can't help with anything, you should be careful about everything." In fact, I feel very guilty when I can't help anything. .

"I will. I won't go to work today, how about we go shopping today?"

"" Recalling that she had been shopping all the time before, she basically had no good memories.To be honest, she didn't want to go at all, she was really afraid that it would be the same as before, not those women, or other things.Seeing her hesitant, he thought she was unwilling. Remembering that they had bad memories before, he also frowned.

"Then let's go, maybe this will cultivate our relationship." Jing Yu rarely showed a pure smile, making Yao Yi look at Yue Yue so sweetly.

(End of this chapter)

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