The wealthy marriage plan: ex-wife, don't try to escape

Chapter 176 A Battle Between Two Women

Chapter 176 The Battle of Two Women (13)

She sat beside Li Qianqian with a charming face and said, "Sister Li, you haven't come here for a long time, and I haven't seen you coming recently. A few newcomers have come recently and let them play with you."

"Then let them serve my sister well, and I will reward you for being happy today." Li Qianqian said boldly.When she was not married before, she often came to such a place to play.So everyone recognizes her, not to mention Yu Bin's shares here, and she can be regarded as the proprietress here.

When the boys heard it, their faces were full of joy, and they sat beside them.Jing Yu was not used to it, subconsciously she wanted to stay away from the people next to her.

"Miss, just tell us what you need, we can do anything." Said the boy beside Jingyu.He looked very immature, probably only seventeen.He looked shy when he spoke, obviously a little shy.

Jingyu smiled unnaturally: "That, no need." She unnaturally hid aside for a while, not wanting to mess around with them at all.She has only one man in her heart and only wants to get close to a man. "Jingyu, I said you are really too old-fashioned. No wonder you fell into Yao Yi's hands. You need to get closer to different men to show your charm, or you will really fall into it in the future." Li Qian Shallow said.In their family, only Yu Bin listens to her, and no Yu Bin ever speaks of her. This is the difference between her and Jingju.

Even though she said so, Jing Yu still couldn't agree with her words.In her heart, she is a traditional woman, and she really has no way to accept other men.Jingyu can't, and Jingwei can't.Their family's tutoring is basically traditional, and since she has already recognized Qi Raccoon, there is no way to accept other people.But she is better than Jingyu, at least she doesn't resist doing anything to her.

The boy's eyes obviously rolled, and he was actually a little worried, after all, this was his first time in this business.I'm afraid that if Jingyu doesn't like him, he won't be able to keep the job.He hurriedly said to please Jingyu: "Sister, just treat me as a waiter, I really can do anything."

She was about to refuse just as she was about to speak, but her heart softened when she saw the dissatisfaction and pleading in those clear eyes. "Then stay here and tell me to play mahjong."

The woman sitting next to Li Qianqian exchanged glances at Li Qianqian, and said with a smile: "Then you have fun, I'll go out to work first."

As soon as the woman left, the boy sitting next to Li Qianqian climbed onto Li Qianqian's arm coquettishly, "Sister Li, you haven't been here for a long time, you don't know that I miss you to death."

Li Qianqian broke away his hand viciously, "Come on, you old fritter, you don't have to worry that my husband will find out if you say that. If he knows, he will probably take your skin off."

Seeing their way of getting along, Jingyu already knew that their relationship was very unusual. It seemed that Li Qianqian was a regular visitor here.Of course, she still doesn't know that Yu Bin also owns shares in this store.

"Okay, I just want to please you more, as for saying that." The boy pouted and looked very aggrieved.

Li Qian rolled his eyes at him, but there was more doting in his eyes. "Didn't I tell you not to come here to work? You are going to take the college entrance examination soon, and you still have the mind to come here to play."

The boy giggled and didn't speak.His name is Xiao An, and he is 17 years old.He has been in this line for almost three years.He is already very lucky compared to others.

(End of this chapter)

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