The wealthy marriage plan: ex-wife, don't try to escape

Chapter 177 A Battle Between Two Women

Chapter 177 The Battle of Two Women (14)

The first guest he received was Li Qianqian. After getting in touch with Li Qianqian, he knew his background and sympathized with him very much.So she was willing to help him so that he didn't have to continue in this business.He was an orphan, so he already regarded Li Qianqian as his closest person in his heart.

"Damn, sister Qian. You're too unreliable. A husband as good as Yu Bin actually wants to steal food outside." Jingwei always speaks without thinking, of course she doesn't think deeply about Li Qianqian The relationship with Xiaoan.

"I really doubt whether you are pretending to be the Lin family. Why is Jingyu such a smart person and you are so stupid." Li Qianqian rolled her eyes involuntarily, she really didn't know what to say it is good. "Isn't it?" Zhang Feifei asked.

Li Qianqian is not well, seeing Jingyu also cast a strange look, she couldn't help but rolled her eyes, these are some friends, how could they say that about her.

When Xiaoan saw this, she quickly explained: "You guys think too much. When I was young, I came here to work without any money. Later, Qian Jie met me and helped me a lot. Brother Bin also knows these things, you guys Don't overthink it."

Xiao An had a smile on his face when he spoke, as if he was talking about other people's affairs so easily.It's just that they all know in their hearts that it must be very uncomfortable.Jing Yu subconsciously looked at the immature face next to him, with a worried look unconsciously on his face.

"Then what about you? It's also because of your own reasons."

The boy lowered his head helplessly, not daring to let his sadness infect Jingyu. "Yeah, if it wasn't forced by life, no one would be willing to do this."

"Well, then you can do other jobs, it's not so good for you to do these things." I don't know why she always feels a little uncomfortable when she sees these things.Her life can be said to be very peaceful, and in the eyes of ordinary people, she is also very happy, because she never has to experience these things, let alone experience them.

The boy just smiled and didn't speak. Everyone has their own different experiences. She hasn't experienced it, so she won't know how painful it is.As long as he can be worthy of himself without stealing or stealing, even if it is an improper job, he still earns it by himself.

Mahjong has been played several times, and the loser is always quiet.She has been chatting with the boy next to her. She learned that this boy is Xiaofan. His father died when he was very young, and his mother remarried.He and his younger brother were the only ones left at home. Not long after his younger brother was diagnosed with leukemia, he had no choice but to come here to work.Hearing these words, Jing Yu also expressed deep sympathy, and admired his strength in his heart.

They didn't leave until early in the morning, and when they came out one by one, they were already untenable.Jing Yu was already too strong to drink, but because of her bad mood, she drank a few more glasses.

Yu Zhengyi happened to be out to play with some friends, and he saw a familiar figure from the side of his face.At first he thought he had made a mistake, but the more he looked at it later, the more he looked like it. He said a few words to the person who came with him and walked out. ?It's autumn now, and the breeze is blowing, bringing a bit of coolness.She suddenly felt a lot more awake.The breeze was blowing head-on, with a desolate smile on her face, but a tear in the corner of her eye.My heart is more uncomfortable, more uncomfortable than before.

"Lin Jingyu?"

Hearing the familiar voice, she turned around subconsciously. When she saw the familiar face, she was overjoyed, but she was about to be disappointed soon.This person is not her Yiyi. Although he also has the word "Yi", he is not the one in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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