The wealthy marriage plan: ex-wife, don't try to escape

Chapter 187 A Battle Between Two Women

Chapter 187 The Battle of Two Women (24)

She put away her emotions and looked at Yao Yi. It seemed that she had thought too much about such things, and she didn't know if there would be such a time.

Driven by Lang Lang, the family also enlivened the atmosphere. In previous years, it was a big deal. This year, the family felt even happier when they ate together.After eating, Yao Si chatted with them for a while before returning to the room.Jing Yu didn't stay long to chat with Yao's mother, and took Yao Yi back to the room.

She walked over and squatted in front of him and grabbed his hand as a comfort to him.Although I was still a little angry in my heart, I was more worried about him at the moment. "What happened to you today?"

Only then did he raise his head to look at her, his originally deep eyes were now filled with an indelible sadness.He wanted to open his mouth and wanted Jing Yu to explain that he was fine, but his throat seemed to be blocked, and he couldn't say anything.

Jingyu understood, wrapped his hands around his big hands, and said with a smile: "Let's talk about it when you want to say it."

Even if such a virtuous wife did something wrong, he couldn't continue to be angry, and a soft place in his heart was deeply touched.

"Lin Jingyu, do you know about me?"

do you know?She was also asking herself, as if she hadn't really gotten in touch with Yao Yi's affairs, and everything she knew was learned from others.She shook her head lightly, but she was a little puzzled why everyone was talking about Yao Yi, did something happen that she didn't know about.

Yao Yi raised his head and looked out of the window as if something was brewing.It took about a minute for him to pull Shizhen back, and helped Jingyu to sit beside him.

"Do you want to hear about my business?"

This is the first time he wants to speak out about the past that he has been buried in his heart.His past was a disgrace to him, and he didn't want to talk about it.But this feeling seemed to swallow him up, he really couldn't take it anymore.

She acquiesced in not saying a word, and he pursed his lips and said: "As you can see, I am an illegitimate child, born to my father and a woman. My father took me back here when I was 17 years old. Here My dad knew about my existence before. If my mother hadn’t died unexpectedly, he probably would never have known about my existence. I was brought up by my mother, she was a hostess in a bar. When I was sensible I saw that she always came back with different men. Every time I do this, I have to sit at the door, sometimes for a whole day, and then I will be hungry. Maybe because she hates my dad, she hates me too. When she was unhappy, she would beat me and scold me. In my past childhood, it was either those men or I was beaten."

When he spoke, his eyes became more and more sad. Jingyu knew that although he said these words only a few words, he was actually very sad.

She hasn't experienced these things so she doesn't know how painful it is, but she is really worried about him and hurts for his past.

But the pain is the pain, the past has become the past, she doesn't want to see him always so uncomfortable.

"So you hate Dad so much?"

He hesitated for a moment, then nodded, agreeing with her.

"You may find it unpleasant to say what I say, but I still want to tell you something. After all, the past has passed, and you will become more and more tired if you do this. Besides, Dad didn't even know you existed before." The one who brought you back, if he had known earlier, he would not have let you suffer so much outside. If you have been carrying this kind of past on your back, you will be very tired. Promise me not to make yourself so tired. Very distressed."

(End of this chapter)

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