The wealthy marriage plan: ex-wife, don't try to escape

Chapter 188 A Battle Between Two Women

Chapter 188 The Battle of Two Women (25)


Jingyu knew that this was Yao Yi's biggest concession, and she didn't want to push Yao Yi too hard, after all, he had to think carefully about such things.

The two of them were unusually quiet that night, and neither of them spoke until they went to sleep.Yao Yi wanted to let him think it through slowly, but Jing Ju wanted to give him more time to think it through himself.

The two of them got up early the next day, because people in the Yao family usually had breakfast very early.While they were eating breakfast, an unexpected visitor came to Yao's house.But this is just an uninvited guest to Yao Yi, but not to others.This person is not Yao Wei. Who is this?
As soon as he came in, he saw Jing Yu sitting on the table, eating quietly.Last night he heard his parents say that yesterday was Yao Si's birthday, and he guessed that Jingyu would come over today, so he came here early in the morning.

"uncle and auntie."

"Awei is here? Have you had breakfast? If you haven't eaten, sit down together." Yao Si hurriedly greeted him.

"Then I won't be restrained." Yao Wei sat down unceremoniously, handed the gift in his hand to Yao Si and said, "Mom and Dad said yesterday was Uncle's birthday, and they asked me to come and give you a gift."

"Well, it's rare that your dad still remembers, so thank him for me." Yao Si did not forget to thank him after receiving the gift.Yao Wei's father is his younger brother, that is to say, besides his children, he is the closest person in the world to him.

Yao Wei looked at Jing Ju on the opposite side, and said with a smile, "Sister-in-law, are you okay?"

As soon as he said what he said, Yao Yi rolled his eyes immediately. The gift he gave was fake, but it was actually just to see Jingzhu.Although he couldn't do anything, he was still very angry.

Ever since Yao Yi thought of her that way that day, she subconsciously wanted to distance herself from Yao Wei.Even if she was misunderstood by others, she felt that it didn't matter. It would be bad if it hurt others.Besides, Yao Yi has misunderstood now, and she doesn't want their brothers to make trouble because of such a misunderstanding.

She smiled professionally at Yao Wei, "I'm sorry for your concern, but I'm fine." She knew that he was worried about what happened yesterday.It's really rare that someone can care about her so much.

"My brother didn't bully you, did he?" Yao Wei joked like a ruffian as usual. In the eyes of everyone, Yao Wei was like a child who didn't grow up, he was always indecent.

"When you came in, you cared about your sister-in-law's well-being. Why didn't you see my sister and I was doing well?" Yao Bi pouted and said, thinking that all these men are really greedy for the new and loathe the old. Not to mention my younger brother, the other younger brother is also like this, and her husband, that guy has been away for so long and may not come to her.

"Sister, what did you say? Didn't you always say that your brother-in-law is very good to you? My younger brother cares about you, and you won't appreciate it." He was studying abroad in the same city as Yao Bi. He often went to Yao Bi's house to play, so he knew the situation of their house very well.

Yao Bi's mouth was flattened, and all the grievances came to her heart.Seeing this, Lang Lang said to him in fluent English: "My daddy is with another woman, and that woman is much more beautiful than my mommy."

"Don't call him daddy." Yao Bi yelled at him loudly, her eyes turned red, as if she was about to cry in a second.

Jingyu wanted to comfort her, but she didn't know anything about it, so it was really inappropriate to say something. There is a good saying, don't make random comments on others if you haven't tried your best to live their lives.She had no choice but to shut her mouth and say nothing, so as not to make more mistakes.

(End of this chapter)

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