The wealthy marriage plan: ex-wife, don't try to escape

Chapter 190 A Battle Between Two Women

Chapter 190 The Battle of Two Women (27)

Jingyu's voice resounded leisurely, and her clear eyes stared at Yao Wei with seriousness written in them.

After leaving Yao's old house, Jing Ju went directly to Yao's house, and Yao Yi went directly to the company.

Before entering the house, Jingju heard a burst of joyful laughter from inside the house, no need to think that this is also Qian Yirou's masterpiece.She was a little unhappy, this is her home now, why does she always feel that Qian Yirou is the master of this home.

Because I was a little angry, I swaggered inside.She didn't feel sorry for her, so why is she the one who gets angry every time.She walked in slowly, and the servants greeted her one after another.The voices in the living room stopped immediately, and the two women looked at her.

"Lin Jingyu, where did you go with Yi last night?" Qian Yirou asked impatiently before Jingyu sat down.It was as if Yao Yi was her husband, and Jing Yu was the one who intervened in their relationship.Only this woman would speak out so brazenly.

"If you want to know so much, why don't you ask Yao Yi yourself?" Jing Yu said angrily. "People are asking you what is your attitude?" Qian Yirou roared loudly.

"You have the qualifications to ask, so am I not qualified not to answer?" Whoever she thought she was, insisted that people listen to her in everything.

Seeing that Qian Yirou was blocked and speechless, a woman on the other side stood up and accused Jingyu. "I said, miss, do you know how to be polite? Can't you answer well when people ask you? Who do you really think you are? If I were to be more sensible, this man doesn't even love you." What are you still doing here? If I were you, I would definitely leave with a sense of humor. "

She said this mostly because Qian Yirou boasted in front of her how good her relationship with Yao Yi was.Besides, if these three sons are in the top position, the one in the family will have no status, so she also thought that Qian Yirou would become Mrs. Yao in the future.

"No wonder others say that birds of a feather flock together. This is absolutely true." These two women are the same people, and they are both shameless.He really lifted himself up to the sky.

"What's more, Yao Yi didn't say anything to me. How are you qualified to say so?"

Since Qian Yirou came here, Yao Yi has never mentioned the divorce to her, so it can be seen that Yao Yi has no intention of divorcing her for Qian Yirou.There is nothing left in the horoscope, Qian Yirou must be too impatient.

The two women shut their mouths one after another and didn't dare to say anything. Mother Zhao stood aside and couldn't help but jumped out and said a few words: "Young Mistress, don't believe in others' instigation, how can the Young Master treat you? Those of us who are servants can see it, you must not fall into the way of some people."

Some of her people naturally talk about Qian Yirou, anyway, in her eyes, Qian Yirou is those bad women who destroy other people's families.

"What are you saying here as a servant, don't you want to do it anymore?" Can't you talk about Lin Jingyu? Can't you say a servant?She completely forgot the previous lesson and tried to suppress Zhao Ma again.She has long been displeased with this mother Zhao, she is a dog next to Lin Jingyu, and she looks at Jingyu in everything.It stands to reason that she came in on her stomach, and she might become the mistress of the Yao family in the future. Why do these ignorant people help this woman who is about to be abandoned.

"Miss Qian, we are just servants. As a servant, I naturally understand my duty. In this family, only the master has the right to speak."

(End of this chapter)

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