The wealthy marriage plan: ex-wife, don't try to escape

Chapter 191 A Battle Between Two Women

Chapter 191 The Battle of Two Women (28)

These words were clearly mocking Qian Yirou, who considered herself the hostess of this place even before going through the door.

Qian Yirou is not a fool, but of course she wants to understand what she said, and she is very angry. Before Haomei can react, she stepped forward and slapped her in the face.Zhao's mother took a few steps back with unsteady steps, staring at the woman in front of her with wide eyes in disbelief.

She has never been beaten like this at such a young age, even as a servant in the Yao family, she has never been so wronged, but she was actually beaten by a yellow-haired girl today, and she was really angry.

Jing Yu's eyes widened, she never thought that Qian Yirou would do such a thing.Without even thinking about it, she raised her hand and slapped Qian Yirou on the face.

"Don't think that I'm easy to bully because I don't talk much all the time. As long as I'm in this house, it's not your turn to be presumptuous." This is the first time Qian Yirou saw Jingyu angry. The weak Jingyu is so scary when angry.

On the other hand, the woman next to Qian Yirou was furious when she saw her good sister being bullied.Going forward, he was about to start cursing: "What's the matter with you, woman, how can you beat someone casually. It's just a lesson to a servant. Are you going to beat a pregnant person?"

Just a servant?Don't they think that a servant is not a human being?Or should a servant be so low-low?They also have human rights.They just came here to work and supported themselves with their own hands. They didn't steal or grab anything. Whoever said they were low-budget.

On the contrary, a talent like Qian Yirou is not worthy of respect.It's like a parasite relying on men to live. What right does such a person have to despise others.

Jing Yu is also angry now, glanced at Qian Yirou's stomach, and said coldly: "I still think I didn't hit her hard, I wish I could slap her and miscarry her."

Qian Yirou trembled, and subconsciously touched her stomach, as if she was really afraid that Jingyu would kill the child in her stomach if she got angry.

Seeing her like this, Jing Ju hooked her lips in satisfaction. She would not mess with her, but she said such words just to scare her.If she scares this woman so much, why not do it if she can settle down a bit. ? She looked at the two women in front of her, twisted her waist and walked upstairs. Before she left, she said to Zhao's mother: "Zhao's mother, if anyone in this family disrespects you again, tell me. If I don't When you get angry, one or two don't know who is your master."

Although Zhao's mother was beaten, she felt relieved to see Jingyu like this.Jing Yu has already said that, let's see how arrogant this woman will be in the future.

Jing Yu returned to the room and lay down on the bed exhausted.To be honest, she hates herself like this, and she doesn't know when such days will end.

She didn't go down until Zhao's mother came to eat at noon, and just kept writing in the room.

In the afternoon, Mama Zhao came to her room suddenly, and said submissively: "Young Mistress, Master told you to go to that woman's room."

Seeing her like this, Jing Yu couldn't help frowning. Zhao Ma has always been the most disciplined servant, and she has never tried to be as embarrassed as she is now. "Did something happen?"

"It is said that the person has an upset stomach, and has already called a doctor, and now the young master is in her room." They called Qian Yirou in private because they called that person, anyway, she didn't need to be too reserved in front of Jingyu, He blurted out and didn't even say Qian Yirou's name.

(End of this chapter)

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