The wealthy marriage plan: ex-wife, don't try to escape

Chapter 195 A Battle Between Two Women

Chapter 195 The Battle of Two Women (32)

Yao Yi came out of Qian Yirou's room and went back to his own room. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Jing Yu typing on the computer.She said that she was writing novels recently, and he didn't care much about those girls' affairs.But when he saw Jingyu being so busy recently, he also felt a little distressed when he saw it.

"Is there any point in being busy with these things every day?"

Originally, he wanted to care about her, but his caring tone turned into accusation.He was angry in his heart, and he was calm. This woman is always so stubborn, and she refuses to apologize properly if she is not wrong, but she is arrogant.

She stopped her hand, glanced at Yao Yi and continued to type. She didn't know why he had a seizure again. He wronged her just now, and now he came to show his face again.It was obviously her who was wronged, so what else could he say.

What Yao Yi hates the most is Jingyu's appearance, can't this woman be subdued?As long as she speaks well, he will be subdued. "Lin Jingyu, what's your attitude?"

"You can have whatever attitude you think I have. As long as you condemn me with one sentence, I can't say anything. No matter how much I explain, it's useless, isn't it?"

He is speechless, isn't it just this time?And he didn't really believe it either, did he?After she left, didn't he ask Mother Zhao to talk about it?And he didn't accuse her at all, she just thought so.

"Are you like this? I didn't blame you, and didn't I find out in the end that it wasn't your problem at all?"

Hehe, if Mama Zhao didn't tell her, would he think that she did it.For Qian Yirou, does he have no sense of fairness at all?Sure enough, his heart was cold, no matter how hard she tried to cover it, she couldn't cover it.Sure enough, in Yao Yi's heart, he is actually the most selfish, and she really doubts who else in this world would he care about besides himself?

"Forget it, anyway, in everyone's eyes, I'm an old sow who can't give birth. Now that you have your own child, what do I still do here?" It's better to get divorced early.

She couldn't say the latter sentence at all, she didn't know how much pain she would feel in her heart, as if her heart had been slashed several times with a knife.

Yao Yi was also deeply afraid that she would say that sentence in the next sentence, and he also felt uncomfortable in his heart.I don't know why if it was before, he would have divorced Jingyu without hesitation.After going through so many women, he didn't believe in love at all after going through his mother's affairs.It was at that time that he met Jing'er, that girl who was like sunshine walked into his heart.He didn't know whether he was greedy for her beauty, or wanted to protect her beauty. Anyway, at that time, he just wanted to be with her, for the rest of his life.


Before she could react, the sound of closing the door responded to her. While she was startled, she also felt uncomfortable.In fact, she didn't want to make things like this, she also wanted to live a good life with Yao Yi, but she really didn't want a threesome marriage.Even if he is not with Qian Yirou in the future, what about the child?Whether Yao Yi recognizes this child or not, it will be a burden to her in the future.

When the night rises, the gorgeous street lamps hang together.In a suburban villa, a tall figure stood in front of the window.Rourou's eyes hit his face, making people look extremely sad.

"Master, the master's video has come in."


The man turned around, showing a cold and handsome face.With thick water vapor in his eyes, he held a photo in his hand.There are two boys with similar looks in the photo, one is cooler and the other is more sunny.This is him and Yao Yi, they used to have such a good relationship, if it wasn't for that matter, he would definitely not have done this.

(End of this chapter)

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