The wealthy marriage plan: ex-wife, don't try to escape

Chapter 196 A Battle Between Two Women

Chapter 196 The Battle of Two Women (33)

In the study room, he was lazily leaning on the sofa, and a stern face appeared on the computer.This person is his father, Yu Sheng.Although he is now in his 50s, the years have left nothing on his face, and he looks as if he is only in his 30s.Even facing Yu Zhengyi, the only son, there was never a little warmth on his face that had not changed for thousands of years.

"How are things going?"

"I have already arranged for Qian Yirou to live in Yao's house, and now I am waiting for her performance. I believe Yao Yi will divorce Lin Jingyu in a short time."

Yu Zhengyi was already used to being like his father, at first he might feel uncomfortable seeing this, but now he is numb.Sometimes he himself feels that maybe he is more than him, not a son at all, but just a tool to achieve his goal.

Yu Sheng closed his eyes, nodded and said, "It's best. I just want the Lin family and the Yao family to quarrel. I will return to China in a few days. You can arrange other things yourself."

As soon as he finished speaking, the computer went black, and Yu Zhengyi stared at the blacked-out computer screen in a daze.He was also conflicted in his heart, and he didn't know if what he did was really true.If they really do it this time, then their journey will go farther and farther, and maybe they will never have a chance to go back.

But he really has no way to turn back, no matter what he does, he will never regret it.If you want to blame it, you can blame God for arranging such a scene. If he didn't know the secret, or if he didn't have a father, would he have a better life in his heart, and Yao Yi would also have a better life.

"Master, are you soft-hearted?" Joe, who was hiding in the dark, listened to their words the whole time.He was Yu Sheng's side until Yu Zhengyi's side, and he grew up with Yu Zhengyi.

"Soft-hearted?" Is there any chance for him to be soft-hearted?Since he was a child, he would be punished as long as he did not do well in one thing. This kind of punishment is not just beating and scolding. It is a kind of inhuman torture. He has experienced these since he was seven years old. When he was sensible, he knew that his life was not up to him, so what could be said to be soft-hearted.

"Isn't it? After all, he's your own brother. You'd be forgiven for being soft-hearted." Joe continued.

"No. I can't be soft-hearted. It's because he is my brother that I can't be soft-hearted. I only hate him, only revenge, and have no feelings. "

Joe looked at the photo in his hand, and wanted to say something more, but he couldn't say anything in the end.The feelings he had for him for so many years were not just the feelings of a servant for a master.He watched him come all the way, and to be honest, he also felt very distressed.

He could clearly feel that his revenge on Yao Yi was not his intention at all.He was afraid that he would regret these things in the future.

"Don't worry about the things you shouldn't care about. How about the things I told you?"

"The woman has been notified. Today she ate the wrong food and almost had a miscarriage, but she insisted that Lin Jingyu had given the medicine. But it was finally confirmed that she ate crabs herself and was killed by a servant of the Yao family." Exposed." Joe said respectfully.

Yu Zhengyi curled his lips to reveal a hint of sarcasm, "She really took my words as a deaf ear, but fortunately she didn't ruin my business, otherwise she wouldn't be able to pay ten."

"Jealousy among women is just like that. In order to achieve your own goals, you have to tutor to hurt others"

Yeah?All women should be like this.Only one woman is the exception.

(End of this chapter)

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