Chapter 208 Miscarriage (13)

"Yao Yi, what do you mean by that? Didn't you think of giving me a title when you asked me to come back? Did you just want this child to be the illegitimate child that everyone scolds?" Qian Yirou said loudly.

She was sure that Yao Yi would soften his heart because of these people.Everyone knows that Yao Yi is an illegitimate child.He himself was like this, and of course he experienced a lot when he was young, and he certainly wouldn't let his son experience these things as well.

But there is one thing she didn't expect, this son is not Yao Yi's.And Yao Yi already knew about it.

"What do you think you are, but you just have a puffy stomach, you'd better be dreaming if you want to be Mrs. Yao." Another woman stood up and pointed at Qian Yirou sarcastically.

"I can't make it, can you?" Qian Yirou said loudly: "What do you think you are, what's wrong with my stomach?"

The woman's eyes were tightly locked on her belly, and she curled her lips and said sarcastically, "Are you sure this is really Yi's? There are so many men around you, maybe it's not sure which man it is." "You nonsense What?" Qian Yirou was completely irritated by this woman, and she was about to pounce on her.

Yao Yi stood up suddenly, tugged at his tie carelessly, stretched out his hand and pushed Qian Yirou impatiently.Because he drank a lot of alcohol, he couldn't control his strength at all.Qian Yirou took a few steps back, bumped into the table and fell to the ground.

Yao Yi still didn't know it, and impatiently pulled the woman into his arms.

"Ah, blood." Someone shouted loudly.

Jing Yu's face turned pale and she looked at the scene in front of her in disbelief.Yao Yi, Yao Yi, what did he do? That belly was his child, and he actually helped other women hurt his own child.

Before she had time to think so much, she walked down to see what was going on with Qian Yirou.No matter how bad she is, that child is innocent.

She had only walked a few steps when she felt pushed from behind. She subconsciously turned around and looked at Zeng Xuan, looking at her proud face, as if telling her, Lin Jingju, you are dead.Her heart understood in an instant.

Her whole body rolled backwards, her head hurt and she passed out.

All this happened so fast, it took Yao Yi a while to react.When I heard the loud noise, my mind suddenly woke up.He ran to Jingyu's side and hugged her.

"Lin Jingyu, how are you, Lin Jingyu?"

There was a warm and sticky thing on his hand, he spread his hand, the red liquid prickled his heart.How could this be, how could this be?He didn't mean it, he really didn't mean it.

Only now did he know that doing those things not only hurt her, but also made him feel uncomfortable.

Jing'er, let's not quarrel, shall we? Didn't we promise to be together in the future?So you can't leave, can't.

When Zhao's mother came over, she just saw Jingyu rolling down, and when she reached out to catch it, it was too late.He just watched Jingyu roll down like this.

Staring at Zeng Xuan, she said, "Why did you push her down, why?" She almost used up all her strength to yell out, her body began to tremble because of anger, and she could clearly know how much she is now. angry.

Hearing Zhao Ma's words, Yao Yi's scarlet eyes glared at Zeng Xuan angrily, and warned him word by word. "You'd better pray that nothing happened to her, otherwise, I will let you know what it means to be worse than death."

He stood up holding Jingyu, his eyes swept over Qian Yirou who was moaning on the ground, she kept shouting to save my child.He hooked his lips in disdain, Qian Yirou, you have today too. "Mom Zhao, arrange for the driver to take her to the hospital, don't die here if you want to die."

(End of this chapter)

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