Chapter 209 Let's Divorce

His tone was full of disdain, as if he felt pity for a beggar on the street.At this moment, Qian Yirou's heart throbbed violently.

She loves Yao Yi, and she has been by his side for two years.All of her achievements today are because of Yao Yi, otherwise she doesn't know how much suffering she will suffer.She cannot do without him in her life, but she really loves him.It's just that sometimes you can't help yourself.

She really didn't want to hurt him, she really didn't mean it.She really wanted to tell Yao Yi loudly.It's just that it was too late, she watched Yao Yi striding outside.She lifted her head weakly and could only see the back of Yao Yili. ?? Went to the hospital for an examination, and nothing happened. The doctor bandaged her wound and transferred her to the general ward.

"Jing'er, what should I do with you?"
He gently stroked her face with his big hands. This was the second time he saw her in such a fragile state. The last time was because of saving him, and this time it was also because of him.If he hadn't been so philandering, she wouldn't have acted like this, and he was all to blame for this.

But what should he do with her? When she saved him desperately, he was very touched and felt that she loved him, but he couldn't feel her love during this time.

No matter whether she loves him or not in the future, as long as he doesn't leave, he wants to treat her well.Because he could clearly know that he was very afraid that she would leave and never appear in her life again.So he wants to cherish her well and tie her by his side with his own kindness.

At this time, Jing Yu's eyelashes trembled slightly, and she slowly opened her eyes.Seeing Yao Yi beside him felt a little warm in his heart.Immediately, he remembered what happened just now, and withdrew his hand, looking at Yao Yi defensively with a pair of dark eyes.

With nothing in his hand, Yao Yi's heart also began to feel lost.He felt that she felt weird after waking up this time, and she seemed to be more alienated, with a strong rejection of him in her eyes.

"Jing'er." He endured the pain in his heart and called out to her, reaching out to grab her hand.But she didn't want her hand to touch, but she withdrew her hand.

She avoids him as a snake and scorpion, is it true that she is also angry with him in her heart?Although it was heartbreaking, it was him who was at fault, he told himself to coax her patiently as much as possible in his heart. "What's the matter, is there something uncomfortable?" Although he knew that she was angry in his heart, he still believed with a glimmer of hope that it was not like that.

She seemed determined not to pay attention to Yao Yi, she turned her head, took a deep breath, and then opened her eyes again.He let out a breath, as if he had made a big decision, and said, "Let's get a divorce."


When Lin Wenzhong and his wife came in, they just heard such words, and the chicken soup in their hands fell to the ground with a loud noise, which also attracted the attention of two people in the room.

"Mom and Dad."

Jing Yu cried out timidly, she really didn't expect her parents to appear here suddenly.She has also thought about the divorce.As long as Yao Yi agrees to the divorce, the two will formally divorce and then tell their parents.If they say this now, they will definitely not agree.

"Mom and Dad." Yao Yi also called out politely.

Lin Wenzhong and his wife ignored him and walked up to Jingyu.Zhao Huihua looked her up and down, and asked after a while, "Ju'er, what did you just say?"

Jingyu pursed her lips guiltily and said, "I want a divorce."

"Nonsense." Zhao Huihua said loudly: "Do you know what you said? Marriage is a marriage that you say you can get married, and you can leave as soon as you say it. It's too childish."

(End of this chapter)

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