Chapter 210 Don't Regret
Jing Yu stared at the person in front of her in disbelief with her round eyes. Is this her mother?Is this really the mother who loves her?Her daughter has already suffered so much and she still doesn't let her divorce. She only agrees if she really wants her to die.

"Child's play? Did I ask for this marriage? You asked me to marry me. Don't I have the right to choose my own happiness? Mom, how can you be so cruel? Do you not have me in your heart?" daughter?"


The lever of her voice fell, and Lin Wenzhong's slap fell too.With a sullen face, he glared at Jingyu angrily and said, "You rebellious girl, how dare you talk to your mother with this attitude."

Yao Yi wanted to say something at first, but Lin Wenzhong was an elder after all, so he naturally didn't dare to say anything.Looking at the woman's red face?
"Am I wrong? I never asked to marry Yao Yi. I just listened to you all the time. I agreed to marry them because I clearly agreed that they would help our family. Now it turns out that he didn't either." Help our family, why can't I get a divorce."

Lin Wenzhong was taken aback, is this still his frail elder daughter?In my impression, this daughter is the most obedient and sensible in the group. She basically does what they say since she was a child.He never knew she had such a side.Realizing this, he also felt very uncomfortable in his heart, how much wronged his daughter had suffered to say such things.

It's just that he is a father, even if he loves his daughter, he can't comfort him, because it will threaten the dignity of a father.There was no change on his face, and he still looked at Jingyu seriously, "If I didn't know you liked him at the beginning, how could I let you marry him. Now I wouldn't have you taunting us like this."

Hearing this, Jingyu lowered her head and began to cry, yes, she was to blame for everything.If she hadn't met him back then, or hadn't taken his promise seriously, she wouldn't have acted like this.But now she really regrets it, really regrets it.

Seeing her like this, Yao Yi felt a little pain in his heart.He always hated women crying in front of him, but seeing her crying like this today made him feel uncomfortable.He didn't want to see her cry, he didn't want to see her so sad.

"The thing I regret the most in my life is falling in love with you."

She spoke leisurely as if she was talking to Yao Yi, but she was actually talking to herself.She is really tired of this kind of life.Dealing with a different woman each time.Especially when she saw Qian Yirou tonight, she didn't want to be with Yao Yi anymore. He was a lunatic who actually killed his child for a woman. If one day she got pregnant, would she have such an ending? , Such a man is terrible, she never wants to live with such a man again.It's really scary.

Yao Yi paused, he had never seen Jingju like this before, stretched out his hand to hold her in his arms, and murmured: "Don't regret it, don't regret it." He really won't make her sad this time, He really isn't with other women anymore.He really just wanted to be with her and live their lives well.

"Yao Yi, what did you do?" Yao Yi hugged her and wanted to explain something, when a loud roar came from behind him.His black eyes turned cold, and his handsome face became colder little by little.He squeezed his big hand tightly, as if he could hold back something.

"Why did you come here?" His tone was very bad, that kind of alienation and resentment, as if the person who came was not his father, but his enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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