Chapter 214 I Listen to You (4)

Just throwing away the man's hand and putting it back, he murmured, "Jing'er, don't make trouble."

She had just touched his hand, and was startled for no reason when she heard such a sentence.She should be thankful that it wasn't someone else's name she heard.

Even so, she couldn't bear the pain in her heart.Yao Yi, you once said that you never liked others.She thought he really forgot, forgot some memories between them, and even more forgot what he said ten years ago that he wanted to marry her.But what's going on now? Could it be that he started to feel that she was better after getting along with her during this period of time?
But she really couldn't accept him, especially after Qian Yirou's incident, she was really scared, and she was really afraid that one day such a thing would happen to her.

At this time Yao Yi also opened his eyes leisurely, seeing that the woman was still in a daze, he leaned forward and kissed her fair face. "Good morning wife."

There was a trace of coolness on his face before Jing Yu came back to his senses. Seeing his magnified face, he was startled for a moment, then pushed him away expressionlessly and walked to the bathroom.

There was a burst of disappointment in his heart, he was really working hard to change, why did she still want to be like this.He thought she was really angry. Didn't Yu Bin say that women are stingy? Maybe Jingyu was really angry because of the previous incident.

When Jingyu came out of the bathroom, she had already changed her clothes.Because she didn't plan to go out, she stepped forward and put on a loose short-sleeve, and a pair of ultra-short jeans, revealing a pair of fair legs.Her waist-length hair was casually draped behind, and although her forehead was still covered with gauze, it did not affect her beauty at all.

Yao Yi's body couldn't help but feel hot. Damn it, did he express his opinion? This woman's clothes are not sexy in the first place, but why does he feel it?He was really taken aback by his own thoughts.

Jing Yu didn't look at him, turned around and walked outside, as if Yao Yi didn't exist at all.

Yao Yi watched the door open and close, originally thought that this woman would change somewhat, but unexpectedly she was still so indifferent.But he is not discouraged, he has played outside for so long, if he can't even deal with a woman, then he will be too shameless.

He quickly got up and went to the bathroom to wash up, changed a piece of clothes and walked quickly to the living room.Before he reached the living room, there was a burst of hearty laughter from the woman, and he immediately recognized that it was Jing Yu's voice.

"Hehe, that is to say, Yu Bin has always told me to have a child, and I will be pregnant for three years, so I don't want to do that." Li Qianqian said.

Ouyang Piao blushed, she came here today to see how Jingju was doing, she didn't expect to be teased when she came here, if she knew she would not have called Li Qianqian over.

While Jing Yu was entertaining the child in her arms, her whole body exuded the brilliance of motherhood. "I think if there is such a cute child, it's worth being stupid. Are you right, Piao Piao?"

Ouyang Piao nodded in agreement, "Yes, it's worth doing anything to see the baby so healthy and cute."

Li Qianqian curled her lips, anyway, she didn't want to have a baby, it was so painful to have a baby, and children were so troublesome.She still wants to live with Yu Bin for a few more years.

Ouyang Piao and Jingju were making fun of the child, and Ouyang Piao became more gentle after giving birth.The whole body exudes the brilliance of motherhood.Jingyu always looked at her from time to time, envious in her heart.

"By the way, do you have a name for the child?" Jingyu raised her head subconsciously and looked at Yi Xuran.

"Take it." Ouyang Piao nodded, "It's called Yiyang, because she is the combination of the two of us, so we put our names together."

(End of this chapter)

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