Chapter 215 I Listen to You (5)

"Well, this name is really good, Yangyang, a girl like sunshine. Then the baby must be happy in the future." Jingyu said dotingly.

"Jingyu likes children very much. If she really likes children so much, she might as well have one sooner." Ouyang Piao teased with a smile.

Jingyu smiled unnaturally, child?If there is a child, will he die before seeing the world like Qian Yirou's child? "What's wrong with you, Jingyu?"

"It's okay. I'm wondering if my child will be cuter than Yangyang in the future?" She made up random excuses and planned to pass by.

"Definitely." Before everyone could answer, a very positive voice answered, and it was easy to know that the voice belonged to Yao Yi.

"Hey, it sounds like the boss is planning to be a father." Yu Bin teased.

Yao Yi didn't answer, his deep eyes looked in Jingju's direction, in fact he was looking at the child in Jingju's arms.

He remembered that Ouyang Piao didn't like Yi Xuran when he was not pregnant.At that time, he remembered what Yi Xuran said. "If you don't want this woman to leave, the best way is to have a child." I suddenly thought that I should also have a child with Jingyu. They have been married for two years, so they should have a child.

"Nonsense." Yi Xu gave Yu Bin a blank look, as if to say, are you an idiot?
"Hurry up and give birth. I will have a daughter after you have a son. Then I will abduct your son to our house." Li Qianqian's eyes crooked when she thought of such a scene in the future.

The quiet and powerless Super Ceiling rolled his eyes, who are these people, they have already made such an idea before seeing the shadow of this child, they really are a pack of wolf dogs.

"I want my son to give birth to him quickly. Our son doesn't want your daughter." After getting along with her for a few years, he already understood what kind of person Li Qianqian was.This guy is a scourge in the first place, and only Yu Bin can bear her.He didn't want to bring another disaster back to his home in the future and disturb the peace.

But what he never expected was that the other's daughter did not harm their family, but his own daughter did.

Li Qianqian pursed her mouth, and looked at her husband with aggrieved eyes. "Husband, we don't want to come here anymore, let's make friends decisively."

Yu Bin fondled her head, "It's okay, we'll see who will give birth to a son, and we'll be mad at him when the time comes."

"If you give birth to a son, I will abduct him to our house." Yao Yihan said with a straight face.

Ouyang Piao: .?
Yi Xuran: .
Static: .
The three of them became restless, who are they?They have always seen Yao Yi with a serious look, when did he become so childish.

Not only them, but also Yu Bin.He didn't expect Yao Yi to have such a scene. Could it be that he is dreaming now, or that this Yao Yi is pretending to be someone else.

Receiving their strange eyes, Yao Yi coughed in embarrassment to hide his embarrassment.Go to Jingyu and sit down.

"Child Piao Piao really looks like you, and she will definitely be a beautiful woman in the future." Jing Yu said.

"It doesn't matter if she is a big beauty, as long as she grows up safely and happily." This is what a mother wants to see most.

Looking at Xiao Yangyang's sleeping face, Jing Yu felt an inexplicable sense of loss in her heart.Before I knew it, I thought how wonderful it would be if I could have such a daughter.

Yao Yi sat beside her, clearly seeing her expression in his eyes.Maybe she also wants to have a child, but she also really wants to be a mother.Since we think, why not come true.

(End of this chapter)

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