Chapter 216 I Listen to You (6)



"Why don't we have a baby too?"



He never expected that Jingyu would refuse, let alone that she would refuse so decisively.Could it be that she wants a child, but just doesn't want to have a child with him?
Thinking of this, the anger in her heart came out, she didn't want his child, so whose child she wanted.Is it the senior Oak's or Yao Wei's?No matter which one he absolutely does not allow, she belongs to him, and can only belong to him alone. ? Jingyu didn't know what he was thinking, but felt the temperature around him drop a little.But she didn't care about talking about the child with Li Qianqian in a low voice.

Just as they were talking, the servant's voice sounded outside.Jing Yu raised her head subconsciously and saw Yao Wei's ragged face.Then he turned his face away casually.

After breaking up at Yao's house that day, she thought that it would be better not to have any more interactions in the future.The relationship between them can only be that of a simple brother-in-law and sister-in-law.

Yao Yi's face darkened when he saw Yao Wei, and he said displeasedly, "Why are you here?"

"Sorry brother, I didn't come to see you today."

As if he didn't hear Yao Yi's displeasure, he insisted on hearing it as a welcome.But he didn't want Yao Yi to want to kill him now.

"Then what are you doing here?"

"Didn't I tell you before? I want to pursue Jingyu, and I will pursue her from today on."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Yao Yi's dark face that could no longer be darker, the corners of his mouth twitched, Boss, didn't you let others do it, why do you seem to be serious now?

Although such a thing has been known for a long time, Yao Yi still can't suppress the anger in his heart.He took the exquisitely packaged roses and threw them out.


Jing Yu, who was sitting next to her, trembled. Although it was not the first time she saw Yao Yi angry, she still felt that his angry appearance was really terrible.

"Yao Wei, you should go back, and don't come here again." She said lightly, without a trace of expression on her face.In fact, she just didn't want their brothers to make trouble like this.

Although she, Lin Jingyu, is not a great person, she clearly understands in her heart that she should not touch the feelings that cannot be given at will.Just like Yao Wei, she knew that she couldn't give, so she would never give him any hope. "Why?" Yao Wei was puzzled, "Why do you still stay by his side when you are living so hard? What he can give you, I can do too, even what he can't give me."

She handed the child to Ouyang Piao, then raised her eyes to look at him.Yao Wei is fairly tall, his skin is very fair, unlike Yao Yi's wheat-colored complexion.So he feels a bit like the kind of boastful young master, while Yao Yi is more cold.Except for that surname, she felt that the two had no similarities at all.

"You are not me, how can you know whether I am happy or not?"

Her voice was very soft but she spoke firmly, but what she revealed in her eyes was her dedication to Yao Yi's love.She has the idea of ​​leaving, but it's not that she doesn't love her anymore.Things like feelings are out of your control.To love Yao Yi or not to love Yao Yi is not one's own choice.

"Although I don't know, I still think you are unhappy, you are unhappy, maybe anyone knows that you must be unhappy with such a husband." Yao Wei said.

"Sometimes love is not necessarily about getting, maybe having. When you fall in love with that person, as long as you can stay by his side silently, you will be happy. Sometimes leaving doesn't mean you don't love anymore, maybe you just want to Seeing him live a happier life."

(End of this chapter)

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