Chapter 224 The Truth (2)

Jingyu smiled and said, "Really? You said you paid, but how do you know that I didn't? You said you met him first, when did you meet? I'll give you a time, at most three years ago."

The joke was that it was her 12th birthday when she met Yao Yi, and it was almost ten years ago. What are her three years worth.To say that she didn't pay, she paid far more than she did.So she didn't get it easily.

"You're talking nonsense." Qian Yirou didn't believe it.

"If you don't believe me, go to S High School and ask, or you can go back and ask Zuo Qian, she is in the same company as you. They will want Lin Jingju when it comes to Yao Yi."

She has always liked Yao Yi very much, even if she can't see her, she will still catch him from magazines.And that's not all, as long as there is Yao Yi's figure, she will cut it out and paste it on a notebook, and then write some fleshy words on it.

Once, Zuo Qian, who was at the same table, actually showed hers, and everyone knew about it.At that time, Yao Yi was considered a celebrity, and Jing Yu was a joke in school, even before graduation, some people talked about it.

Love is love, there is nothing shameful, and now she has understood that she is not afraid to admit such things.

Qian Yirou looked at her in disbelief, all this is not true.How could she fall in love with Yao Yi as a woman who always didn't care about anything.Since it's love, why didn't he respond when he saw him with another woman.

Jingyu saw her expression in her eyes, "What's more, do you think you love Yao Yi? In fact, the one you love the most is yourself, right?"

Qian Yirou didn't understand why she would say such a thing.Of course she loves Yao Yi, and she loves him very much.

"Do you think you love Yao Yi or the status he gave you? If Yao Yi had nothing, would you still love him as much as you do now? There are many changes in the world, and maybe in the next second he will really have nothing , will you still love him like now? I know you won't. "

"Then will you do it? If Yao Yi is nothing, will you still love him? Will you still stay by her side?" Qian Yirou asked back, if she wouldn't then would she?She didn't believe that she could, she didn't believe that a woman would give up her glory and wealth and live an ordinary life willingly.

"I will." She replied firmly.

When she met Yao Yi, she didn't know his identity or his background.At that time, he was pure Yiyi, and she was pure Jing'er, without any background.

For so long, she has always thought of Yao Yi as just Yao Yi, not the head of the Yao family, not the president of the Yao family, not the one who calls the wind and rain.He is Yao Yi, just a simple man.

Qian Yirou curled her lips in disdain, "I want to see if you can do what you say. I also want to see if your parents who you promised can also agree."

Since she can't get it, she will be ruined, anyway, she has no way out now.Without Yao Yi's protection, the man behind will never let her go.She might as well help that person wholeheartedly, it might make life easier.

"What are you going to do?" Yao Yi frowned displeased.

"As far as I know, you are very concerned about the cooperation with Zhao. What will happen if he doesn't cooperate with you?" Qian Yirou asked back.

Of course he knew that the relationship between Qian Yirou and Zhao Yefei was very unusual, and of course the cooperation was only superficial.He was thinking of cooperating with Zhao Yefei and building a good relationship first. Yao Yi's headquarters are all in China, and as far as he knows, Zhao Yefei also has his own nest in London.He wanted to transport a batch of arms over there this time, and the place of this transaction was London.This client is very important, it is related to the whole Longyan.

(End of this chapter)

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