Chapter 225 The truth (3)

"What do you want to do?" Yao Yi asked coldly, without any expression on his face.

"Divorce Lin Jingyu and marry me." Qian Yirou directly expressed her thoughts.

"What a big tone." Yao Yi curled his lips, he is the person who dislikes being threatened by others, and he is also a woman who has backed him.

Seeing this, she thought Yao Yi was moved, and she was afraid that he would regret it and said: "How about it, agree or not, Zhao Yefei is already on his way, and I'm afraid he will almost arrive. If he arrives, you will never have another chance."

"Besides divorce, other things can be considered." A joke, Jing Yu said that he didn't agree to divorce, let alone her.If this cooperation can only be obtained by a woman, he would disdain it.

"Yao Yi, don't regret it." Qian Yirou said.

"I have never regretted what I did."

Jingyu didn't speak all the time just to see how Yao Yi would answer.If he really agreed to Qian Yirou's conditions, she would also look down on him.Hearing such an answer to be honest, she was even happier in her heart.

Just being so firm towards him, she will help him no matter what.That was her brother, and she couldn't believe what he did to her younger sister for an outsider.

"Hey, it seems that I came at the right time, and the fun is just beginning." At this moment, a voice came over, and everyone looked along, and it turned out to be that flirtatious figure of Zhao Yefei.

Not many people can match Zhao Yefei's beauty.He has fair skin, can be broken by blowing bullets, a pair of charming phoenix eyes, a straight nose, and red lips like blood.If it weren't for his short hair, many people would definitely be a woman. ? Such a man can be said to be a country and a city, which is rare in the world.His frown, smile and demeanor also reveal his nobility.It is precisely because of such nobility that people dare not approach him.

Yao's mother was also surprised that there really are such beautiful men in the world.She thought that Yao Si and his son and Lin Wenzhong were the best, but she didn't expect that there were more outstanding ones.

Seeing Zhao Yefei, Qian Yirou hurried forward to grab his hand, showing the weakness of the little girl. "Yefei, you came just in time, they all bullied me."

Zhao Yefei let her pull her and didn't push her away, and he didn't feel any displeasure, but there was a trace of impatience on his face. "I already know what you want."

Didn't it just tell him not to cooperate with Yao Yi, he knew it, just knew it.

Hearing this, Qian Yirou was overjoyed, although she couldn't get Yao Yi's love, she could still be favored by Zhao Ye.This man has been doting on her since the first time we met, and will give her whatever she wants.This time he and Yao Yi were able to cooperate and it was all thanks to her.She can give and take back naturally.

"Yefei, I knew you were the best for him." She leaned on Zhao Yefei's body and said sweetly.

Their eyes were all on Zhao Yefei, and they didn't even notice the two people following behind.This is none other than Jingyu's parents Lin Wenzhong and Zhao Huihua.

Lin Wenzhong patted Yao Si on the shoulder, and said softly: "Let's go, let's sit over there for a while, and let the young people solve these matters by themselves."

Unlike Lin Wenzhong, Yao Si actually had some worries in his heart. This Yao family was the foundation of their ancestors. If something happened, how would he face the ancestors of the Yao family after he left.

Just when he was worried, he suddenly felt warm in his hand, and found that his big hand was being held by a slender little hand.Looking up, he found that the hand was his wife.She was staring at him, eyes full of determination. "Husband trusts our son."

He nodded firmly, "Okay." Since he has already handed over the company to his son, he should believe him.The son is now an adult, and he believes he has the ability.

(End of this chapter)

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