Chapter 226 The Truth (4)

The four of Yao Si all sat on the sofa, and quietly leaned against Yao Yi, so that they were facing Qian Yirou and the others.Qian Yirou glared at them proudly.

At this moment, Yao Yi's face became extremely cold, and even the surrounding air dropped a few degrees.Jing Yu was deeply afraid that he would do something, so she stretched out her hand and gently held his warm palm in her hand.It seemed to be telling him, "Yao Yi, don't be afraid that I will always be by your side."

Looking at their holding hands, Zhao Yefei narrowed his eyes slightly.But soon he regained his calm expression, and said, "Yao Yi, what do you want? Wouldn't it be great if you agreed to me? Then you can be free in my territory in the future."

"What exactly do you want?" There was no conflict between him and Zhao Yefei.He didn't understand why he had to target him so much, the only one who was bound by him was the woman beside him, and it seemed that Jing Yu was more on his side.Could it be that he was targeted because he couldn't get it.The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. This woman is his and no one can take it away.

"Of course I want you to divorce? Don't you think it's a good deal?" Zhao Yefei said lightly.

"you like her?"

"It won't make her sad anyway."

? Yao Yi felt depressed. He was mocking him for not being good enough to her.He admitted that he was really bad at the beginning, and his behavior really made Jingyu sad.But now he wants to be nice to this woman, and he won't let her get hurt in the future.Even if he realized that he was wrong, he would not admit it in front of his rival. "She's my wife, you'd better recognize that for me."

Qian Yirou's eyes were hurt by his maintenance and quietness, and her eyes were stained red with jealousy. "Since Yefei is so ungrateful, don't talk so much nonsense with him." Zhao Yefei smiled, pulled out his arm and pushed Qian Yirou away.Qian Yirou staggered and fell to the ground, looking at Zhao Yefei aggrieved. "Yefei, you hurt me."

Zhao Yefei glanced at her coldly, and said with a sneer, "Do you know it hurts too? What is your little pain?" He has always regarded his aunt's daughters as his own treasures.Because these are his only remaining relatives.He will never allow others to hurt them.

"What do you mean?" Qian Yirou was puzzled.

"What do you mean? Have you forgotten what I told you before?"

Only then did she remember that Zhao Yefei had told her before that she could do whatever she wanted at Yao's house, but she couldn't hurt Lin Jingyu.Thinking about it, she really found it ironic, she thought Zhao Yefei would treat her well.In fact, it has no purpose.And because of this woman named Lin Jingyu.

"Yefei, are you really in love with this woman? Why is it that you want a married woman? What's so good about her? What's so good about her?"

Jing Yu frowned, this woman must not be sick.Just now he said that he loved Yao Yi very much, and now he looks very sad to Zhao Yefei, how much is this kind of love worth?

"Everywhere is fine."

Qian Yirou's eyes widened in disbelief, thinking that it's all over, Zhao Yefei is her last reliance, she really has nothing, it's really over.

"Yefei, so you want Yao Yi to work together? Didn't you promise to listen to me? I don't agree."

"You are really putting money on yourself. As you said, I don't have any kind of woman, so how can I fall in love with a woman like you. Don't think that I don't know that you just want to use me. You think that others are just like you. You're just as stupid."

(End of this chapter)

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