Chapter 232 The truth (10)
A group of people arrived at Lin's house in this way, and originally proposed to go to the hotel, but Zhao Huihua insisted on going home all the time in the name of foot pain.The group can only let her go, anyway, this is the Lin family's business.

Yao Yi had no choice but to accompany Jing Yu to the past. On the one hand, he wanted to hear what his life experience had to do with the Zhao family.This is one of his long-standing knots, if he doesn't figure it out, he will feel even more uncomfortable.

When they arrived at the Lin family, the sisters and two wives of the Lin family happened to be there.Everyone was surprised to see Zhao Huihua being carried back.The relationship between Zhao Huihua and Lin Wenzhong these years has always been neither salty nor weak. In fact, everyone knows in their hearts that they still like each other very much.

"Mommy, what's the matter with you?" Zhao Huihua sat on the sofa and Jingxun couldn't wait to ask about the situation.

She touched Jing Xun's head lovingly, and said softly: "I'm fine, I just sprained my ankle accidentally. Don't you think I'm fine?"

Jingxun looked her up and down, and it seemed that there was really no injury on her body except her feet, so she felt a little relieved.Only then did she see Zhao Huiqing.

Oh my god, this woman looks too much like my mother.Could it be her own sister who had been missing for many years.

Jing Xun returned to the Lin family later, so she didn't know what happened.At this time, she was just guessing wildly, but she didn't expect her wild thinking to be true.

"Master, what's going on here?" Ye Fengying asked puzzled, looking at such a large group of people, her expressions became serious.

Lin Wenzhong sat on the side with a serious expression. He sat quietly beside Zhao Huihua without saying a word.Everyone couldn't see his expression clearly, and they didn't know what he was going to do.

Zhao Huiqing is neither standing nor sitting.In the end, it was Zhao Yefei who came to her side and held her hand.She looked up and saw that his face was still cold and not as alienated as before.

Her body trembled slightly, and she shouted excitedly: "Yefei."

"Yeah." Zhao Yefei nodded, "Auntie sit down first and then we can talk."

"Auntie?" Jing Xun was puzzled, "Brother, don't you only have my mommy as a relative? Now this is..."?
Could it be that mommy and brother are not real relatives? Impossible, they are so similar.But why is there one more person?
Zhao Yefei saw through her thoughts and said, "What are you thinking, this is my little aunt, which is your little aunt."

ah?The sisters of the Lin family and the two wives all opened their mouths in surprise.Everyone knows that Zhao Huihua has no relatives except Zhao Yefei.Obviously, I am still very curious to face this sister who just came out.

Jing Xun was very puzzled, she blinked her eyes, and looked at Jing Yu who was pale in Yao Yi's arms.Obviously, she knew about this matter, and from her appearance, it seemed that the matter was quite serious.

She is aware of this, and others are naturally aware of it.

Ye Fengying secretly pulled Yang Yuping and said, "Master, why don't you go talk about it first, and Yuping and I will take the children back to the room first."

Although they are members of this family, in the final analysis they are just boarders.They naturally knew very well that there was only one mistress of this family.So it's better for them not to know about the Zhao family.

"No need, we are all a family anyway, so it doesn't matter." Before Lin Wenzhong said anything, Zhao Huihua spoke first.She sincerely regards them as her own family, even though she said they are her rivals in love, she still has no hatred at all.

Zhao Huihua has already said this, and it is hard for everyone to shirk it.Except for the married Jingzhu, everyone else in Jingming is here.Everyone was very curious about what was going on, so they sat quietly on the side without talking.

(End of this chapter)

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