Chapter 233 The truth (11)
Zhao Huiqing couldn't sit still, her little hand tightly grasped Zhao Yefei's big hand, she really wanted to explain and talk about this matter, but she really didn't know how to say it.

"Didn't you explain anything to me after you've been away for so long? Where did you go and how are you doing? Don't you want to tell your sister?" She was really angry with her. Why did so much happen at home? There were many things, and she disappeared all of a sudden.She thought she had left in that disaster, but no body was found.She has always believed that she is alive, but she doesn't know if she is doing well.

Hearing such words, Zhao Huiqing, who was still fine, couldn't help crying anymore. "Sister, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"Little aunt, tell us what happened back then. What happened to you? Why did you leave suddenly? Does it have anything to do with your family?" Zhao Yefei said anxiously.

Zhao Huiqing lowered her head, and after a long time she nodded solemnly, "Yes, it really has something to do with me."

"What?" Zhao Huihua said in disbelief.How could it be, how could this matter really have anything to do with her.She should have been a high school student that year, so how could a teenage child have anything to do with that incident at home.

"What happened to that incident? Why did that person kill his parents so cruelly?"

In her impression, her parents have always been very respectable people, they often do good deeds, and they have always had a good reputation in city a.It may not be possible to have any enemies, but why, how could such a person be silenced by others, and the whole family...
"That's true. I was just 16 years old at the time." Greetings, please raise your head and look at the ceiling, your eyes become dizzy little by little, and you fall into memories.

That year, Zhao Huiqing had just turned sixteen because she was curious about something, and it was the most rebellious time.So at that time she had a puppy love and was with a man who was much older than her.Things started from here, he was very kind to her and tolerated her in everything.It wasn't until later that she found out that she was pregnant that she took him to Zhao's house, intending to clarify the matter with her parents.But my parents were not there that day, and my brother and sister-in-law also went out, so my grandfather was the only one at home.

That day they passed the study of Mr. Zhao, Zhao Huiqing's grandfather.The door was not closed when they passed there, and then they heard the voice inside clearly.

Mr. Zhao was not talking about other things, but about the fact that the Zhao family ancestor had a fortune.

In fact, the head of the Zhao family did not know which dynasty the ministers were from. At that time, the Zhao family also embezzled a lot of gold and silver treasures. Later, they hid a large number of gold and silver treasures in fear of being found out.Only the head of the Zhao family knows where it is hidden.In fact, even Zhao Yefei's father didn't know about such a thing at that time.

So when Mr. Zhao talked about this matter, both of them were obviously taken aback.At this time, Zhao Huiqing also noticed a slight change in his face. Although it was very fast, she could still see it clearly.

Grandpa called him in that day and didn't come out until a long time ago.She didn't know what they were talking about and thought it was just about her marriage.When he came out, he also said, "Wait for me to come back." Grandpa was furious after he left.

Since then, she has been grounded by her family and cannot see that man at all.I don't know what's going on, but at that time, he seemed to disappear like news.

That is to say, from that time on, there were people coming and going in and out of Zhao's house, and sometimes some people stayed until midnight and left, as if they were discussing some important matter.

(End of this chapter)

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