Chapter 234 The truth (12)
She knew deeply at that time that his arrival would eventually break the peace of the Zhao family.What she didn't know was that she had always been just a pawn of that person.

On the night when the Zhao family's incident happened, she only knew that a lot of people came, and she was always in the room.She didn't hear someone's screams until midnight, and then there was a pungent smell. She subconsciously knew that the house was on fire, and the fire was still burning at the door, and it would soon burn to the house. He was so uncomfortable that he passed out.

She was so dazed that she saw someone hugging her, and she couldn't remember what happened after that.

She didn't know about the Zhao family's affairs until later.Someone did carry her out that night, and that person was that man.

Once again inadvertently, she finally knew the whole thing.She didn't know until later that the man already had another woman and had a child.She has been living in his villa since then, and there is actually a woman in it, and that woman is also pregnant.It turned out that his approach to her was premeditated early in the morning, and she didn't know how she knew that the Zhao family had a treasure.His purpose from the beginning was to steal information about the treasure.He didn't expect that he would do such a thing after hearing what his grandfather said that day.The Zhao family has a token, and only those who have the token and the map can get the treasure.The map that was used to find the keepsake disappeared long ago, and went with the Zhao family. The map of the treasure was divided into eight parts, each in the hands of different people, and Yao Si was one of them.

But now several of them are dead, so Zhao Huihua has only got three copies, and five of them don't know where.And with so many people at that time, they didn't even know who took it and who didn't.

Zhao Huiqing hated that man at that time, because of him, their family was like that.That's why she ran away, because the man never let her go, she chose the most extreme method to commit suicide by jumping into the sea.It was the time when the sea was at high tide, so when she jumped off, everyone thought she was dead, and she felt the same way at that time.

She didn't even think about it later, she was saved.She didn't dare to go back, because she felt that she would have no face to see her sister again.That's why she didn't dare to come out, telling people that she had lost her memory.

The more Zhao Huihua was surprised when she heard this, she didn't expect, it turned out to be like this.

"Who is that man?" She asked tremblingly.

"Yu Sheng, he is Yu Sheng." If possible, she would rather never think of this man again for the rest of her life.This man is her nightmare, the nightmare of her life.She used to wake up every night dreaming.Now she finally speaks out and finally speaks out.

"How could it be? How could it be like this? Hurt our family like this for the sake of money." Zhao Huihua cried directly on Lin Wenzhong's body.She has been looking forward to it for so many years, and finally knows who the murderer is.

"I originally planned to find him all these years and kill him secretly, but he never showed up again. Then I remembered that he said Yao Si, saying that Yao Si had something he wanted on him , That's why I stayed in Yao's house as a servant, and the purpose was only to inquire about his affairs." Zhao Huiqing said apologetically.

"Little aunt, why are you so stupid? Wouldn't it be great if you came back to find us? We have been looking for it all these years but there is no news at all. If you come back sooner, we can figure out a solution together." Zhao Yefei said.Although it seemed to be complaining, she knew that they were all concerned about her.This made her feel even more guilty in her guilty heart.

(End of this chapter)

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