Chapter 235 The truth (12)
"Mommy." Both Jingsu and Jingxun called her worriedly.They also know that such a thing will feel uncomfortable to anyone.And these things have always been a knot in the mother's mind, and they don't know what to say.

Xu didn't want her daughter to worry so much, so she wiped her tears indiscriminately.Pretend to be strong.When she saw her sister, she nearly cried again.She thought that her younger sister was five or six years older than her, but now in front of her was a middle-aged woman, who looked as if she was older than her.I thought to myself how much suffering my sister had suffered to become what she is now?

"I'm very guilty, I dare not come back, I really don't know how to face you. I'm sorry, I'm sorry sister, I really didn't know this would happen." If she hadn't been with that man back then , maybe their family will be fine, and they won't end up in such a field.

"I don't blame you..." Zhao Huihua said, "I don't blame you for such a thing. If you want to blame it, blame that hateful man." She shouted angrily, wishing that he would appear immediately and cut him into pieces.

"Yes, little aunt, don't think so much, I really don't blame you for such a thing." Zhao Yefei comforted her.Although he hated that person very much, he didn't hate her.

Zhao Huiqing wiped her tears gently, not daring to cry.She thought that if she saw her sister again, she would hate her to death, and would never pay attention to her again, but she didn't expect it to be like this.

"Sister." She couldn't bear it anymore and threw herself into Zhao Huihua's arms, as if she was often in her sister's arms when she was a child.Still so familiar taste, still so warm embrace.Fortunately, nothing has changed.

Yao Si took out a kit from his pocket, handed it to Zhao Yefei, and said: "This is what your grandfather gave me. I only know that the Jin family and the Pei family also have it. I don't know who the others are, because we all They didn't go in together."

Zhao Yefei took it and just looked at it blankly. He didn't need to open it to know what was inside. This is one of the eight pieces of the map.

"Auntie, is this the map about our family's treasure?" In fact, he didn't know about these things at all.He didn't know any treasure at all.He believed that his aunt didn't tell him on purpose, and she probably didn't know much about it now.

"It should be. I have three yuan in my hand now, from the Jin family's Pei family, and from the Qi family of Zhu'er's husband's family. I also heard Zixuan talk about the treasure at home when he came back. I originally I want you to be more stable in the company before I tell you." Zhao Huihua explained.

"There are three yuan from Yu Sheng." Zhao Huiqing said, wiping away tears.Now they are a family, when should they face together.

"Then there is the last piece, whose hands will it be in?" Jing Yu said with a frown.These things involve so many big families, it seems really not easy.

Silence, silence, everyone was silent and did not speak. The parties who knew about it back then were almost dead, and there were only a few people left.And they don't know very well, it might be difficult to find that treasure.

Zhao Huiqing stood up and sat beside Zhao Huihua, both of them fell into deep thought.Zhao Huiqing suddenly remembered something and looked at Yao Si suddenly, and said, "Well, the woman who was by Yu Sheng's side back then seems to have stayed by your side for a while in the end."

She didn't call anyone's name, but her eyes kept staring at Yao Si, needless to say, she was talking to Yao Si.

In fact, it's not that she doesn't call him. When she was young, she always called him Brother Si, and later when she was working in the Yao family, she called him Master. Now she doesn't know what to call him.

(End of this chapter)

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