Chapter 236 The truth (13)
"Well, yes." Yao Si nodded lightly.

"Yu Sheng is Yu Zhengyi's father?" Hearing this, Yao Yi finally understood something, and he only asked once to make sure.

Yao Si nodded, "Yes, the woman that Zhao Huiqing saw back then was your mother. When I knew her, I was serving drinks at a bar, and I later found out that she was sent to me by Yu Sheng. Later I I saw through her plot and wanted to drive her away. Unexpectedly, she drugged my drink, and we had sex that night. I only found out later that she was pregnant. At that time, she insisted that the child belonged to Yu Sheng, and Yu Sheng I also confessed it myself, I just.” At this point he couldn’t go on, because that period of time was a bad memory for him.At that time, he thought he loved her, and because she hurt his wife, he really made his wife suffer a lot during that time. He didn't expect that he would feel very guilty here.

Yao Yi understood, he finally understood.It turned out that he was really not a child abandoned by his father.All this is because of his mother, that woman, she is to blame for all this, why didn't he admit it at the beginning.But is he really Yao Si's child?He remembered that he didn't do a paternity test with Yao Si when he came back.

"Then am I?"

Although I really don't want to say such a thing, if the answer is no, then who is his father? It will be the man named Yu Sheng, the enemy of the Lin family and the Zhao family. Could he still be with Jing Yu at that time?

"No." Yao Si said hastily, "You are my son, whether you are my own son or not, you are my son in my heart." He spoke very loudly and showed his uneasiness.In fact, he didn't know whether Yao Yi was his son or not.At that time, he was planning to do a paternity test, but was rejected by Yao's mother.When he saw Yao Yi's eyes, he completely let go of the years, thinking that even if the son is not his, he should raise him well.

Yao Yi's heart skipped a beat, didn't he?Why did father say that, why did he follow, why did he follow to hear such things.None of this would have been heard if he hadn't come.

"Do I look like Yu Sheng?" He looked at Zhao Huiqing and asked softly.

She didn't know why he suddenly asked such a question, but she just replied truthfully: "It doesn't look like that at all." If it is said that he looks like his mother, he should be more like his mother, except for those deep eyes, everything else follows his mother.But there was one person who was more similar in my impression, and that was Yu Zhengyi. ? He was relieved to hear such an answer, and prayed that he would not be that person's child.He didn't care, but he didn't want to be the child of her enemy.Only at this moment did he realize how important Lin Jingju was to him, and he was really afraid that she would leave.

Jing Yu didn't speak, her small hand was holding his big hand all the time, then she raised her head and showed him a reassuring smile. "Because you're just you."

Because you are just Yao Yi, not someone's child, he is just a simple man, she loves her the most.

In fact, love is so simple, love is so pure and there are not so many impurities.

Regardless of whether Jingyu thought so, Lin Wenzhong also thought so, otherwise he would not have married his daughter to Yao Yi even though he knew Yao Yi's identity.

"No matter what the reason is, if you are destined to be a husband and wife, you must cherish it. You should remember it no matter whether it is Yu'er or the future Xun'er and Ying'er."

He finally expressed his position, Yao Yi also heaved a sigh of relief.I also secretly vowed in my heart that I must treat Jingyu well in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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