Chapter 241 Yao Yi's Past (5)

Yao Yi stood there in a daze, everyone said that "a woman's heart is the sea needle", and the sea needle was really right, it was fine one second, but turned upside down the next.I'm really annoyed, I don't know where I offended this woman.

Before he dared to say anything more, he hurried forward to catch up with her, and held her hand regardless of whether she was willing or not.

She didn't refuse either, but smiled.Well, since he still chases after her now, she'd better forgive him.

She suddenly hugged Yao Yi's waist, and whispered in his ear: "That Yao Yi, how long do you have to socialize before you can leave?"

Walk?They just came here, why is this girl arguing to leave? Could it be that she is not feeling well, seeing her red face doesn't make her feel like she is sick. "What's the matter, if I don't feel well, I'll go back first?"

"Uh..." Jingyu couldn't react a little bit, "No, it's not. I just asked casually."

How could Yao Yi, who is as smart as him, believe her words so easily? If she didn't tell him, he wouldn't know.

In fact, she didn't say anything, it was just that her shoes were a little burnt, and after walking a few steps, her feet started to wear out.She didn't dare to tell Yao Yi, because she thought it was a shameful thing.


"What else?" When he had just spoken halfway, he suddenly stopped and asked them in a puzzled manner.I saw his face became serious, his eyes looked straight ahead, and there were many emotions in his eyes that she didn't understand.

Following his gaze, I saw a middle-aged woman with very enchanting appearance walking over.She walked in front of them, "Long time no see, Xiao Yi."

Xiao Yi, why is this woman talking ambiguously to Yao Yi, her tone is not like an elder, but like a couple.

Yao Yi didn't answer her, his eyes were still looking away, and the woman was not annoyed and still looked at him with a good smile. "What? Why don't you express something when you see me as an old friend? You don't look like this."

Her voice was very sweet, and she kept winking at Yao Yi.Although she was smiling, Jing Yu felt that there was danger behind her smile.

"What exactly do you want to do?" Yao Yi replied coldly, his face was still calm, but the hand on her waist tightened his strength.At the same time, she also faintly felt a dangerous aura emanating from him.

"It's nothing, it's as simple as seeing an old friend come over to say hello." The woman put down her long hair and said with a smile, "This is your wife, she looks really beautiful. How can such a beautiful person Married to you, by the way, does your wife know about your past?"

Jing Yu frowned, these words were clearly praising her, but why did she sound so harsh, as if she had something to tell her.And is it strange that she married Yao Yi?

"No." Yao Yi pursed his lips and said.

The woman narrowed her eyes slightly, and seemed to look at Jingyu, "Really? I don't know what will happen if she knows your past?"

"Does this matter? I don't think it's necessary to know, because I don't care what Yao Yi was like before." Feeling that Yao Yi's aura seemed to be more and more dangerous, Jing Yu came out to defend without thinking he.Although she was also very curious about what happened to Yao Yi before, she wanted him to speak first.What's more, she cares more about Yao Yi's future than the past.

The man's hand on her waist visibly trembled.At this moment, he finally knew what it meant to be moved.Maybe she wouldn't say that when she knew the truth, but he still felt very moved when he heard this sentence.Finally, there is someone who believes in him so much and defends him so much.

(End of this chapter)

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