Chapter 242 Yao Yi's Past (6)

The woman's face turned pale, obviously she didn't expect Jing Yu to say such a thing.She thought that as long as she said such a thing, she would be curious about what happened next, but she didn't expect that she didn't even ask.This made her feel very frustrated.

Jingyu planned to ignore her, and took Yao Yi's arm to act coquettishly, "I'm tired, help me to the sofa to do some work."

Yao Yi nodded, and walked towards the sofa with his arms around her.After carrying the woman on his back, his brows furrowed.

How did this woman come, why did she appear.He thought he would never see this person again in his life.Every time he mentions her, he will not think of those unbearable things in the past.If, if one day Jingyu really knew those things, would she still stay by his side like now?

The smile on the woman's face collapsed at the same time, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.Yao Yi, Yao Yi, let him go many years ago, she will never let him go this time.It's okay for her to get that, but it's ruined if she doesn't get it.

As soon as Jing Yu sat down, she looked at Yao Yi worriedly, "What's the matter with that woman, I feel weird."

She faintly felt that something might have happened between her and Yao Yi.She didn't want to ask, but she wanted to ask again.

"Lin Jingyu, is it true?" He asked her without answering her question. "Is what true?" She was puzzled, "Are you asking what I just asked?"

"Well, is it true?" Yao Yi smiled ambiguously.

Jing Yu lowered her head in embarrassment, her face was stained with an unnatural blush.What she said just now was to protect him, but he actually took it seriously.She won't say it anyway, she's a very traditional woman at heart, and it's really hard for her to say those things.

Yao Yi's eyes darkened instantly, and it was true.I just said those words just out of face.In fact, he had already guessed that this was the case, but when Jingyu was silent.His heart still felt very uncomfortable.

He stood up suddenly, turned his back to Jingyu, and said, "I'll go over there first to say hello to my acquaintances, and you can take a rest here first."

When Jing Yu looked from this direction, she could only see his broad back, and she had no idea what his expression was.She could clearly feel that his attitude had suddenly cooled down.She curled her lips in dissatisfaction, thinking that this man is really changeable, he was fine one second, and changed into another word the next second.The people around him must be very pitiful, so be careful if he gets angry suddenly.

After Yao Yi left, she took out her mobile phone to chat with Zhang Feifei and the others.Recently, Chen Xier's life should not be too bad, she keeps talking about how her boyfriend treats her so well.But such a thing is not surprising at all, because Chen Xi'er changed men very quickly.What made her feel strange was that Zhang Feifei was actually in a relationship, and she was still doing it in a mysterious way, which made her want to find out.

"Feifei, just talk about it, talk about it." Jing Yu quickly typed these words, and then sent them out with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

"That's right, let's see who is so discerning about our Feifei." Chen Xier quickly replied.

After the two discussed the offensive, Zhang Feifei's information was quickly covered.I don't know if it's because Hey Pi didn't dare to come out or because she was busy, but she didn't come out to talk anymore.

She felt bored and clicked randomly. Suddenly, she seemed to see something, and she was pleasantly surprised for a moment.What did she see? She actually saw Tang Jie's number on.The personality signature was also changed to "One day I will return to the original point." The woman who had disappeared for three years finally appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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