Chapter 243 Yao Yi's Past (7)

"Tang Xiaojie?" She typed a few words with trembling hands and sent them. ?
Just when Jingyu thought she would never come back, the phone vibrated, and she opened it to see that it was from Tang Jie.She didn't have a lot to say just an "um".

Jing Yu typed a lot of words, deleted and typed again, and then she realized that she didn't know what to say.A friend who used to talk about everything, suddenly finds that you have nothing to say one day, which is called sadness.

At this time, the phone vibrated suddenly, and it was sent from the group.She clicked on Tang Jie's post, and she posted in the group, only "I'm back." These short words.She faintly felt as if something was going to happen, and she clearly noticed that Tang Jie seemed to be a little different.

There was a pair of eyes staring at her all the time in the venue. After finally waiting for her to be alone, she took the high-heeled cup brought by the waiter and walked over.

Jingyu felt that the sofa next to her had sunk, so she looked up subconsciously, and then continued to play with her mobile phone as if nothing had happened.

Yu Zhengyi hooked the corners of his mouth and said, "Miss Lin, why is she so boring by herself? Could it be that your husband left you and ran away with other women?"

What do you mean, when did Yao Yi abandon her and go with other women?She didn't like this man very much before, and then she hated him more and more, and now she knew that his father did what happened to Zhao's family, and she hated her even more in her heart.

Although she was a little impatient, Jing Yu didn't intend to pay attention to him, and continued to play with her mobile phone.From time to time, it caused a burst of low laughter, which made Yu Zhengyi very unhappy.He has never been able to please any woman since he grew up, because he can get it for anyone he wants, why can this woman ignore him casually.This is not what he hates the most, what he hates is why she hates him and falls in love with Yao Yi.

Without even thinking about it, he snatched Jingyu's cell phone.Jing Yu, who was robbed of his mobile phone, was very unhappy and stared at him fiercely. "What are you doing?"

This person must be mentally ill, people don't want to talk to him, so they come over to provoke him to talk.Does she have any grudge against him? Otherwise, why keep pestering her.

She snatched her mobile phone and cursed, "Snake spirit disease."

crazy? "What is snake spirit disease?" Yu Zhengyi blinked his beautiful peach blossom eyes, and looked at Jing Yu in puzzlement.

She rolled her eyes directly, whether he really didn't know or was just pretending.But no matter what, she has no interest at all.

"Is Mr. Yu very free? If you are very free, you can chat with others." Let go to prevent the man from taking her mobile phone again, and she dare not take it out to play anymore.

"Jingyu, do you hate me? Can you tell me why?" Yu Zhengyi asked.

"No." Even if she was there, she wouldn't say it, and she has nothing to do with him, so why should she answer him seriously, anyway, there will be no intersection in the future.

Yu Zhengyi suddenly stretched out his hand to wrap around her waist, and moved close to his ear. The masculinity of a man sprinkled on her neck, making her itchy and uncomfortable. "Jingyu, has anyone told you that you are cute?"

Reflexively, she broke away from his embrace, moved to the side, and opened the distance between them. "Please pay attention, I'm already married, you are shameless and I want shame."

All her life, she believed that Yao Yi would be with Yao Yi, and she would never do anything to apologize to him before the divorce.And she wouldn't have anything to do with him even if she was to anyone, but she shouldn't have anything to anyone.

"And we don't know each other very well, you still call me Mrs. Yao." He warned fiercely.

"Mrs. Yao? Do you think you will stay with Yao Yi for a long time?" Of course he knows who Yao Yi is, and he will never be emotional with any woman, so he said with certainty that they will definitely not. will last.

(End of this chapter)

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