Chapter 256 Distress (8)

People quickly surrounded them, and a dozen people formed a circle around them.He took the lead and looked at them with a sinister smile, "Hey, isn't this Yao Yi, who is famous in S City? I thought you were so superior, but I didn't expect you to have such a day?" He looked at Yao Yi disdainfully, He thought Yao Yi was so great, but it turned out that was nothing more than that.

"Since you know that I am Yao Yi, you should let me go quickly." He said with difficulty, even though he was now a prisoner, he still exuded that terrifying aura.

"Hehe, you really take yourself seriously. I want you to die today." The voice of the person in the lead came over.

Yao Yi reluctantly sat up, and hugged the shivering Jingzhu in his arms.He really shouldn't have taken her tonight, he really scared her.

"If you want to kill me, you have to see if you have the ability." He, Yao Yi, and other things have come through, how could he die in their hands in the end.He believed that his fate was so hard that he would never die so easily.

Jing Yu hid in Yao Yi's arms and was terrified listening to their conversation.In the darkness, she saw a little light from the necklace around her neck.With a flash of his eyes, he suddenly thought of something, and whispered something in Yao Yi's ear.

Yao Yi understood, and unwittingly untied her necklace while talking with those people.She quickly caught it. This necklace was specially set up. In fact, there is a mechanism in it. As long as it is activated, someone will receive the message from her.This was given to her by Jingchun to protect her, she didn't care about it at first, anyway, she thought she would not be in any danger, but she didn't expect to use it today.

"Who are you guys? If something happens to Yao Yi, do you think you guys will escape?" She raised her head suddenly, her eyes shone coldly, at this moment she looked like a demon from hell.

Yao Yi was startled, for a moment, he saw that this person was not Lin Jingju, but the "Night Rose", the leader of the Butterfly Gang who was sitting on the railing that night.Except for that beautiful hair, even the body shape and voice are so similar.

"I'm afraid we won't do it. Anyway, he has so many enemies. After killing him, there are probably many people who would like to thank us. We finally removed a scourge for S City." The leader seemed to be talking about killing What a good thing to do.After killing Yao Yi, he is considered famous in City S, and will be famous in the world in the future.

They shone their arrogant flashlights on Jing Zhu's face, their lust became aroused, and they rubbed their palms obscenely.I couldn't help but feel that the woman Yao Yi had his eyes on was indeed a stunner.Even Duan Qianqian, who is known as the most beautiful in S City, is not as beautiful as the woman in front of her. "The chick looks good, but it's a pity that she followed the wrong person. Why don't I give you a chance now and follow me to keep you well-fed and hot."

"Bah..." She stared at the man in front of her with disdain, she was also a strong woman in her bones, if she was to be insulted like this, she might as well just die.If she loves someone, she will be loyal to that person, and she will never sell her body for these.

The man who took the lead was angry. He had been out for so long and he had played with countless women. No woman had ever rejected him like this. Suddenly, she felt that her self-esteem was hurt.He is not the one who loves the fragrance and cherishes the jade, so he raised his hand and slapped Jingyu on the face, which made Jingyu dizzy.He still wanted to fight again, but Yao Yi quickly grabbed his hand and said coldly, "You dare to touch her." His voice was like Shura's, making people shudder.Everyone present except Jing Yu and Yao Yi shuddered.But it soon occurred to him that Yao Yi was not so afraid now that Yao Yi was in their hands.

(End of this chapter)

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