Chapter 257 Distress (9)

Yao Yi stretched out his injured hand out of desperation, the man was very strong, Yao Yi was not to be outdone, the two just dealt with each other like this.Jing Ju raised her eyes, although the light was not very good, she could still feel that Yao Yi's wound was bleeding, and there was a confused smell of blood in the air.

She didn't want to stand up and bite the man's hand, but the man threw her away suddenly, and she staggered and fell into Yao Yi's arms.When I woke up, I realized that these things I did were so bold.But she doesn't regret it, if they continue like this, Yao Yi will definitely bleed to death.

Yao Yi struggled to stand up, his body was so weak that he almost sat on the ground again.She quickly put her arms around his waist and let him lean on her.Obviously she was scared to death just now, but now she has calmed down.

"You silly woman." Does she know what she is doing? What if she angers that guy and kills her?He doesn't even have the ability to protect himself now, let alone protect her.

"I don't care, I don't want anything to happen to you." She saw Yao Yi's pale face by the light of their flashlights.His face was covered with sweat, and a few drops dripped on her arms, burning her heart.She thought she could pretend to be a very strong thing, but she didn't expect that at such a moment she couldn't help crying.

He stretched out his hand and gently wiped her tears, and the tears grew more and more like spring water.In the end, he didn't wipe her anymore, and just locked her in his arms, kissing his hair.There was a trace of emotion on the originally cold face, it was a distressed emotion.

The leading brother over there is not in the mood to watch them show their affection here.He took out a gun from his body, pointed the dark muzzle at Jingyu, and cursed: "Stinky bitch, you dare to bite me, see if I don't kill you." He has always been very tall in front of his younger brother. They were actually teased by a woman in front of them.He felt very angry now, wishing he could kill her with one shot.

Seeing this, Yao Yi quickly pulled her back.He was already very tall, blocking Jing Yu's whole body behind.

"Yao Yi, you can't."

"Shut up," he ordered.

Is she an obedient person?Obviously not.She didn't even want to rush up to block Yao Yi with her body, and said to the man without fear: "You can kill or cut as you like, please don't hurt my husband." Death is terrible, but she is more Afraid that Yao Yi would die.

Yao Yi felt very touched in his heart, Jingzhu touched him too much tonight.There are many people who blocked bullets for him, but all of them are his brothers, and there are no women.She was the only woman who could give her life for him.

"Oh, it's really touching. Don't worry about coming one by one, so you won't be lonely." The man gave a sly smile, thinking of killing such a big man as Yao Yi, he felt happy.

Seeing that the shot was about to be fired, Jing Yu subconsciously closed her eyes. The sound of a "bang" gunshot seemed particularly abrupt in this quiet night.She opened her eyes in confusion, but saw Yao Yi looking at her worriedly. "Yiyi, I love you." She knew that she was really going to die this time, and she was afraid that if she didn't say it, she would never have the chance to say it again.She was really happy to be with Yao Yi before that.I am also very happy to fall in love with Yao Yi in this life.

After saying this, she fell into deep darkness, and she didn't know what happened afterwards.When she woke up again, her eyes were all white, she blinked, everything in front of her eyes was still there.

"Have I arrived in heaven?" She couldn't help calling out.Hearing that hell is terrible, she thought she must have arrived in heaven.But no, why does this paradise still have a familiar smell, like the smell of a hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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