Chapter 261 Yao Yi Are You A Pig?
Jing Yu stared at him blankly for a while, then reached out and hugged his waist.Thinking about the things at that time still feels lingering fear now.Fortunately, both of them are fine, and fortunately, all this has passed.

"How did we escape in the end, and how did we get sent to the hospital?" All she knew was that she had been shot, and then she thought she was dead.Unexpectedly, nothing happened, probably fainted from fright.Thinking about it, it's really embarrassing to say that it was to help Yao Yi block the bullet, but in the end, I don't know if it became his burden.

"It was Night Rose who came to save us when you fainted, and then sent us to the hospital." He explained in a long and short way, of course that is the truth, he just didn't say how he would deal with the leading brother That's all.

"It's her." She said lightly to "Night Rose", as if it was expected.

She was indeed expected, because she was the one who sent the signal to save her.But repression doesn't think so.He felt that Jingyu must have something to do with "Night Rose". Who is "Night Rose"? That is the boss of a gang, a person who makes people feel afraid even hearing his name in the dark.Apart from the name Yao Yi, she is probably the only one in S City.If Jingyu can get involved with her, it means that the woman in front of her is not simple.

Suddenly feeling a chill, she subconsciously raised her head to look at Yao Yi, and said with a smile, "Don't think about anything, I definitely don't mean to hurt you." Like Yao Yi who finally got to where he is today, he must be very suspicious, If she didn't explain, he probably suspected something again.

Yao Yi's face also softened, that's right, this woman basically didn't do anything to hurt him by his side.Even when he stole the documents last time, he found out that it wasn't her.

"Yeah." He replied lightly, with a lazy look on his face, as if he didn't care about these things at all.

She is unhappy, how can he be so indifferent, doesn't he care at all?She pouted and asked, "Do you not care about me at all?" It's really unfair, she cares so much about him, yet he still treats her so indifferently.

"It's not that I don't care, I just want to give you freedom." Before he didn't understand anything, he thought love was possession, but later Yi Xuran said that if you love that person, you should learn to respect her, make her happy and make her happy.So he wants to treat her like this now, and doesn't want to force her.

She blinked innocently, as if Yao Yi had really become different.When he said something like this, it really proved that he had changed.She also knew that this was Yao Yi's biggest concession. "En." Only at this moment did she clearly feel that this man belonged to her and completely belonged to her alone.

Except for some skin trauma, Jing Yu was fine and was discharged the next day, but she still came to the hospital to see him every day.Yao Yi lived for three days under Jingju's intimidation, and finally he couldn't help shouting and was discharged from the hospital.Jingyu had no choice but to let him go. Anyway, it's okay to pay attention when you get home.

As soon as he got home, Yao Yi had a long-lost feeling. In the past, his concept of home was like a free hotel.Coming back is just a place to stay.It's different now, every time I come back, there are people waiting for me, and there are people who take care of me when I'm sick. This is the warmth of home.

As soon as Jing Yu came back, she ran to the kitchen and ordered them to cook some bland dishes, and when she came out, she saw him sitting there in a daze. "What are you thinking about?"

"No." He stretched out his hand and pulled her over. Jingyu was taken aback by such a simple action, and hurriedly grabbed him, and opened his mouth to curse, "Yao Yi, are you a pig? Don't you know that you are injured?" , to do such a dangerous thing?" Although he was scolding fiercely, he still cared about him in his heart, and after checking up and down, he was relieved to find that there was really nothing wrong with him.She slapped him coquettishly, "If you don't cherish yourself, I won't care about you in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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