Chapter 262 Subtlety
Half a month passed in the blink of an eye, and Yao Yi's injuries were almost healed.He has been at home with Jingyu for half a month, but he still has no time to come out of the study every day late.After investigation by his subordinates, he knew that the person who attacked them was sent by the Zeng family.Even though Zeng Xuan stayed by his side, he also has his own principles and bottom line, as long as he crosses his bottom line, no matter who he is, he will not give any favor.So after this time, no one saw the Zeng family appear again.

Both Yao Yi and Jing Ju stayed at Yao's house and never went out, and soon the scandal gradually subsided.After all, if the parties don't come out to say anything, those people also find it boring.On the contrary, the relationship between the two is getting better and better.But the past half month has been hard for Yao Yi, you have more and more misfires, but Jingyu has always rejected him on the grounds that he was injured.He really wanted to swear, but it was his chest that was hurt, not there.

One day, Jingyu was writing a novel, but the new servant Zhang Ma came in suddenly, and said respectfully: "Young Mistress, there is a Miss Zhang who claims to be your friend upstairs looking for you."

Mama Zhang came to take Mama Zhao's place.She was originally from the old house, but Yao's mother was afraid that the people below would not be able to serve Jingju well, so she called her over.

She didn't stop until she heard Mama Zhang's words, Miss Zhang?The only person she knew was Miss Zhang, and that was Zhang Feifei.How long has it been since she saw that girl, she really panicked.So she ran to the living room regardless of Zhang Ma's rush.

"Feifei." Her voice rang out in the living room before anyone saw her.

Zhang Feifei just smiled at her lightly, and didn't rush to hug Jingyu as usual.When Jingyu was completely excited now, she didn't find anything wrong with her at all.In the past, she hugged Zhang Feifei directly, and said coquettishly: "Long time no see, I think I'm dead."

In fact, the time is not too long, and I usually chat on Knockout.But I don't know why when Tang Jie said that she was back, the group seemed to suddenly quiet down.In the past, Chen Xier always teased Zhang Feifei, and now it is gone.She found subtle changes between them.

The two stayed seated all the time, Zhang Feifei seemed hesitant to speak, and Jingyu also saw through her, just waiting for her to speak.It took Zhang Feifei a long time to spit out a word. "Jingyu, are you okay now?"

I don't know why when she asked this sentence, she hoped that Jingyu would not answer well.As long as she can't speak well, she feels a little carefree in her heart.

"I'm fine." She replied, anyway, now that she and Yao Yi get tired of being together every day, their relationship is getting better and better.That's fine.

"Really good?"

Jing Yu was puzzled, she didn't know why Zhang Feifei asked such a question suddenly, only then did she realize that something was wrong with Zhang Feifei, she seemed to be much more haggard than before, and she seemed to be quieter than before.

Seeing her face change, Zhang Feifei quickly said: "We are friends, aren't we? How long are you going to lie to me? In fact, your life is not good at all. In fact, I came to look for you before, just I can't see your face, but I know that your life is not good at all."

She didn't know that Zhang Feifei would think so, Yao Yi didn't let her go out and didn't want her to see anyone just to protect her, but Zhang Feifei's mouth seemed to be a prison.It's just that she didn't know that Zhang Feifei had her own reasons for thinking this way, because all her cognitions were heard from others.And she believed what the man said.

"Feifei, why do you think so, I'm really doing well now." She replied with a slight smile at her.But in Zhang Feifei's eyes, she was trying to be brave.

(End of this chapter)

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